Friday, September 29, 2006

Where has the week gone?

I never for one moment ever envisaged that being the president of the community was going to take up so much of my time! And I'm not joking. At least half of my day is dealing with community issues..and the frustrating thing is that results are very slow to materialise.

The particular community where I live has been blessed with every conceivable problem. I think there's enough material to publish a book with (any publishers reading this??). We've got problems with the developer, the town hall, the contracted staff, all the services (elec, water, phones), community fees, and the list goes on. Everything is a problem.

Where the town hall is involved...nothing gets done. Lots of meetings, lots of getting sent from one department to the other and back again, lots of shrugging of shoulders and the really annoying comments of "we don't have money for that". What a load of crap. The town hall made a huge mistake handing out the licence for our development and it just can't handle the mistakes, it doesn't know how to deal with them, although probably can't as there is actually no possible resolution to some of the problems.

So, with chasing my tail all week I actually seem to achieve very little. My to-do lists grow longer every day and it gets harder and harder to sort all the problems out.

The thing is that I'm determined to get this place sorted, it's our home at the end of the day.

So if you're contemplating raising your hand to become president then maybe just don't raise that hand too high.


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