Thursday, September 06, 2007

Summer is finally over

You can really tell that summer is over now. I can park in town, I don't have to queue up at the supermarket for ages, there's hardly anyone in the pool, the lifeguard's gone and amazingly, all of a sudden we no longer need the fan on at night to keep us cool.

Although summer is supposed to be a holiday for most people, for those of us who live here it actually becomes quite a headache. It's probably the most stressful time of the year for us!

In fact, I was talking to Lola, who is the administrator for our community, and she was telling me that July and August are hell for her and her staff. Her office gets full of all the owners who are over and she says it's just a complete nightmare.

We really have noticed the difference now in September, things are back to normal again....we've got the pool to ourselves! Bliss.

Anyway, if you missed the EOS newsletter this week we featured the following articles in it:

Do you speak Spanish? What do we mean when we ask if someone speaks Spanish?
El Grumpy Gringo - It ain’t ‘arf hot chum!
Renting Your Property - The Legal Aspects Part 2
The Myths of Buy-To-Let Property
Where Are All The Property Bargains In Spain?

Also been playing about with PPC Classroom and Polaris World Uncovered....but don't tell anyone!
