A Virtual Assistant is far more cost effective than a regular employee. You may pay more per hour than a regular employee, but leave out the:-
Insurance Contributions,
Unemployment taxes,
Social Security,
Health insurance,
Sickness leave,
Christmas bonus,
Holiday pay,
And other benefits you need to offer a regular employee, and a Virtual Assistant’s fees comes out far lower than that of a regular employee.
I recently calculated the cost of hiring an in-house assistant for the average business. It breaks down like this:
The average hours worked in Spain is 1,800 per year
Estimate of employment...................Permanent
Gross Salary....................................1.500€
Employee PAYE (Income tax)............... 182€
% Retention.......................................12%
Total Cost to Employer....................2.100€
Employee Social Security....................95€
% Retention.......................................6.35%
Net for employee..............................1.223€
Employer Social Security.......................600€
Total Cost to Employer...................2.100€
In Spain:
A gross monthly salary of.....1,200€
Is actually costing you..........2,100€
In the UK:
An annual Salary of.............£30.000
Is actually costing you........£48.995
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