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energy saving gadget
About airconsense
Having rented out apartments in Spain for a couple of years now, I have become only too well aware that the cost of the electricity is beginning to be a nightmare. People leaving the air conditioning on all day whilst they are out or leaving it on overnight is bringing unnecessary costs back to the owner and so I decided to try and do something about it. I needed something to help cut the costs but not interfere with my clients comfort, so I started looking for ideas or a product to try and overcome this.
I then discovered a UK based Company that had a patent product which I decided to look into and has now become the answer that I have been looking for. Airconsense have been granted the sole sellers rights from the company who make them for the Costa Blanca and Murcia regions of Spain.
So now, I would like to introduce ‘Airconsense’. This low cost, energy saving device will automatically and wirelessly power off air conditioning units in an empty room when the motion sensor stops detecting human movement, saving energy and in turn helping the environment. Having installed several of these devices in various properties, I have very quickly seen massive savings of up to 50% on electricity bills. This device is a must for all holiday rental properties and Hoteliers alike and at just 55euros fitted it’s a low cost product with high savings.
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