David Allen Wizardgold - Still here
Monday, May 5, 2014
Lately I have been working as a receptionist and a bit of this and that at a campsite in Platja d'Aro, Costa Brava. Handy to have some work still when so many are looking for work. We have about 6-10 new CV's brought to the campsite each day. I have to do strange hours because of it being a camp site and also because I have to take over from the other workers on various days. At least I only have one early morning when I have to start at 6am.
David Allen Wizardgold
Published at 2:18 PM Comments (0)
BravaChat Podcast Number Six
Friday, December 19, 2008
In this podcast I talk with Brian Buchanan and he tells us about getting work as a teacher of English both without the TEFL and with the qualification. Brian had a year in Japan which sounds like a real adventure and now has been here in Catalonia for just 10 weeks or so. We get the low down of his first impressions of Girona and Catalonia. Although it isn’t the first time in Catalonia, seeing as he did the TEFL course in Barcelona.
Brian has set up a shop with CafePress to produce tee shirts with a Japanese influence, maybe next he will do some designs inspired by Catalonia, perhaps the squatting figure that you can get here would be good on a Tee. What do you think?
Brian has an interest in music and he chooses the music for a show which is aired in Scotland each week. Sunday Night Leith time 10pm til 12 A900 SHOW or listen on FM 98.8. Links to Brian Buchanan can be found at leithal-music
You can even find Brian at MySpace
In the podcast I mention the British Society of Catalonia and the Witty Walks group. If you are a walker and like to get out and about in the countryside within reach of Barcelona, you can check out their web site. Not sure if you have to be able to tell jokes while you walk though, get back to me and tell me. I will drag out a few shaggy dog story jokes from the old but good still cupboard.
Published at 8:44 PM Comments (0)
For the creative people and anyone
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Earning a living can be tough when you are living in a different country. Personally I have seasonal jobs and then I work on my internet income.
I have Wizardgold Blog and Podcast which is about trading on Betfair, maily football markets and also about taking the incentives that the bookmakers give to new users and cashing them out without any risk. Right now I have a trade running which is designed to take about 65% of the 100 Euro free from Zedbet. I will let you know when the trade is completed. The sister site to this is The Footy Trader
My other online personality is Spondicious Photography. I have always been creative and I love photography and art. This blog and podcast is all about selling my photos and illustrations online through the micro stock photography sites. I have just posted up a new podcast in which I show how to do something important in Illustrator, If you don't to this task then your images get rejected out of hand. There are other posts and podcasts to such as my interview with Lee Torrens and Aussie living in Argentina and living of his photo sales. Isn't it great to have income which is non location specific.
Get in touch if you have any questions about either of these ways of making a little extra cash. I will be pleased to help.
Published at 11:00 AM Comments (0)
BravaChat Podcast Number Five
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I met Chris this year in Mas Nou near Barcelona at the Podcamp Barcelona event. The Podcamp was all about new media, like blogging, audio and video podcasting, Screen casts, mashups and a sprinkling of politicians doing what politicians do (mostly talking rubbish). I presented a podcasting for beginners session and a couple of people turned up and listened even.
Chris tells us about what it is like living in Spain in a couple of different places and has lots to say about some tech type things here in Spain. He also talks about language learning from 2 perspectives, both the teaching English angle and also regards learning Catalan and Spanish.
You can click on the picture to the left to get the podcast. It is an enhanced podcast with clickable links. More links below for Chris also. You can contact Chris at Cataspanglish on Wordpress and also at Podcamp Barcelona, he even has a web site about Spanish cooking called Spanish Sauce.
Check out Chris's views on TV in Spain and the politics of internet and Telefonica. Have you wondered why we only get low speed broadband here in Spain?
Chris's blog post about living in Spain
His students blog about the programming for kids
and his students' screencast page for office training

At podcamp Barcelona were people like Don McAllister of Screencasts online. Pim pam pum and their mash ups using Flickr and other sources.
There was Mark Pendleton from Coffee Break Spanish, You might like to subscribe to that to help you learn Spanish easily with a podcast.
You don't have to have an iPod to listen to a Podcast. A Podcast is downloadable media that you can also view in your web browser, basically an internet radio show. Or an internet TV show if it is a video podcast like BravaChat Podcast 04 with the Catalan Human castles
The Sponsor for the show is SkypeOut - A service from Skype that allows you to call ordinary phone very cheaply from your computer. I have used it and it does work very well.
Published at 11:52 AM Comments (0)
A week off from Blogging and podcasting
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I left last thursday to visit family in Birmingham and then brought my mother back here to Spain to make her first visit to my place here. A busy time coming back home on Saturday and then running from place to place with a 70 year old mother. Ok not so much running as strolling but tie consuming just the same.
We made the visit to Girona and saw the usual tourist spot in the city. The river houses, the old town walls, old churches and places like the Arab baths and Jewish quarter. Even found an Indian restaurant in the centre.
Tomorrow it is nose back to the grindstone and podcasting. Looking forward to gettn some stuff done.
Published at 12:12 AM Comments (0)
Catalan Craziness with human castles
Monday, October 27, 2008
Yesterday I had a day out in Girona with the video camera. I filmed the human castles that the Catalan people are so fond of. It really is amazing though. I saw them go 9 people high with the castles and there was only one tumble of all the castles completed.
The most amazing was the castel that is part built from the top and them they lift all of that castle up a couple of layers. A lot of hands and plenty of strength to do that.
I edited the video this morning and honestly my video skill need some work badly, there is a bit of camera shake as the tripod wasn't high enough to get above the heads to get a good view. I kept the cam on the tripod though and steadied it a bit by using the pendulum effect work on it. I did get some good photos of one of the castles though with the SLR and I have made that into a slide show. It is OK to do things not too well so long as you realise the problems and learn from it. I had about 20 - 30 minutes of footage and have it edited down to five minutes.
Have to say though that it is nail biting stuff to watch as they send up to the top the smallest of children. The castles do go quite high and you wouldn't want to be up there looking down.
I hope to get the video published later today onto BravaChat. I will post an update when it is done.
Published at 1:48 PM Comments (0)
Does anyone else detest Telefonica
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Last year I wanted to end an account with Telefonica and it took me months and they charged me more money and I had to get intervention help from the local consumer centre.
I said I would do all I could to avoid Telefonica following that, including looking a WiMax as a possible solution to get rid of Telefonica completely. The local WiMax company turned out to be a bunch of lying toads that couldn't trusted so I steered clear of that option. The said one speed on the brochure then told me a different speed when I talked with them and fianlly we measured the speed on an existing installation in a neighbours house which was slower than the other quoted speeds. This WiMax people even quoted two or three different prices to confuse us more.
I digressed there but after all of the hating of Telefonica, I want an iphone and the only way to do that without jailbreaking the iphone is to go with Telefonica Movistar.
I was looking for one in July when they were supposed to be available in the local shop with no luck, and to date the still have not seen one in stock there.
I tried Girona the nearest city last week and they had had them but were out of stock and then this week I was passing the shop I called in and they said they had some. Woo hoooo. So I waited in a queue for 20 minutes then spent another 20 minutes while the young girl struggled with the computer to get it started. No luck and she asked me to come back after the 3 hour lunch time.
I went back at 5pm and spent an hour in there. My phone number went Ok and then when she tried to move my wife's number on the new account too, the problems started again. In the end we couldn't complete the paperwork and I still will have to wait another four days to get my hands on the new toy. I would have to wait for Vodafone to pass the number across anyway. If we had known that their computer was not going to play ball then I wouldn't have needed to stay waiting in the shop for so long.
I did see that there were other customers still being dealt with that entered the shop at the same time as we went in. I have to wonder how they can do business when they need to spend so long with each customer with all of the Spanish Red Tape.
That was supposed to be a quick posting but ended up a bit of a rant....
Published at 1:02 PM Comments (2)
Introducing David Allen - Wizardgold, Spondicious and BravaChat
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I have been living here in Spain for the last five and half years and enjoying it. I have been fortunate by having a Spanish wife and not had the bothers that some people have in buying property here. I have a web site which is about trading on Betfair, I review systems and strategies and sell the software that help people to trade. I don't condone gambling and inform as much as possible about how to trade on the prices and not get burned.
I really like the under 2.5 goals market on Betfair and have something that works pretty well and I have been reviewing the Football Cash Generator product recently and not doing well with it. Thank goodness for paper trading for testing systems.
For me the success is in the selling of the software, such as BetAngel and BetIE. More than that I have built the site so that I have a good amount of traffic going through it and I am able to sell advertising to get a bit of income. The site is Wizardgol Betfair Trader Blog and Podcast. I have produced 37 podcasts both audio and video and had downloads of over 36,000 overall, according to my stats.
I also have a site dedicated to selling photographs and illustrations via the Micro Stock sites. It is also possible to sell video, flash, animation and even sound inthe same way. If you are a creative sort then have a look at Spondicious Photography for information about how to go about doing the micro stock business. I cover how to submit work I discuss the various microstock sites and talk about the technical details of producing the illustrations in CS3 Illustrator.
Spondicious Podcast 04 is on iTunes
In this podcast I talk about how good micro stock is for earnings when you stop adding new images. When you want to or need to take some time off from uploading. Feeding the beast is the phrase coined on Lee Torrens Blog - Microstock Diaries.
I talk about HDR photography and I have included some small tips and tricks to help you along with the stock photography business.
Lastly I have put in a request for funny stories that you might have regards being a photographer or whatever. I will post funny stories in a Podcast and in return I will put a link to your website and of course you can include a plug in the audio too.
Enjoy the Spondicious Podcast number four
BravaChat is the latest of my websites and is all about living here in Catalonia and the Costa Brava. There will be a heavy emphasis on the Podcasting both audio and video and there is one interview posted on the site, one interview in the process of being edited and already 5 more interviews lined up.
Next week I will be shooting footage of the Girona Festival and I am really looking forward to the human castles. Last time I saw it I was biting off all the finger nails while watching the small children being sent up to the top of the tower. I think the one I saw that was the highest went to eight people high. Ten people high is the record I think. A dangerous Catalan pastime well worth seeing. The other catalan event I partial to is the Correfoc where the devils run through the town with fireworks swinging above their heads. The last one I saw they had fire breathers also spitting fire in the air. The drums and the Catalan wind instruments are great too, builds up the whole atmosphere. Brilliant stuff.
Looking forward to meeting more ex pats online. I am from Sutton Coldfield near Birmingham and I spent twelve years in Ireland before coming here. Any more Brummies here ? Even Aston Villa supporters ??
I can't put any links in here yet but if you google Wizardgold or Spondicious you will get me and The BravaChat Podcast is searchable on iTunes
Published at 10:15 PM Comments (1)
BravaChat Podcast Number Two
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today I went for a trip to Girona to meet with Peter Foremski of the web site MyGironaSpain and after a cup of tea, which always makes an interview run more smoothly, we got down to making a recording. I was using the Zoom H2 audio recorder which allows me to make recordings without having to carry a computer around with me.
Peter was also telling me about another web site his wife Debra has called LittleLanguageLearners with English books for all ages, Girona based but serving the whole of Spain & U.K www.LittleLanguageLearners.co.uk

Peter Foremski

Published at 9:22 PM Comments (0)
BravaChat Podcast Number One
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
 This first podcast is an introduction to the site and about me the host and producer of the BravaChat Blog and Podcast.
Published at 9:20 PM Comments (0)
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