Getting to know Ireland
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Well we got here from the Benidorm area! It took 2 days to drive from La Nucia, to Cherbourg with a stop overnight in Bordeaux. We swapped our Spanish car for a UK registered one 3 days before we left and attached our trailer and crammed in as much stuff as we could and shoved off. Cat in the back and Dog at my feet.
We had to leave loads of stuff we thought we would have room for, which was a bit of a wrench, even though you know its just stuff, I keep looking for it and have to remember we chucked it in the bin. Mind you the bin divers where there in minutes and it must have made thier day. I hope they made a killing on Sunday at the Polop Rastro.
We still had hangovers from our all night leaving do! At El Cau in Polop.
So anyway the Irish adventure started 3 mondays ago, since then we have been to the RDS bike show in Dublin which though a lot smaller than Birmingham or Milan was really good, and very friendly, we saw women trick bike riding, people learning to do wheelies and even Evil Knievel's vehicles. We got talking to the man on the Triumph stand and are very tempted to buy a new Triumph Tiger for these Irish roads my bike is too sporty. The pot holes are enormous!
We have also experienced our first St Patricks day, and were the only ones to heed the government warning of not to start drinking before 4pm!
So settling in well.

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