Online Community Manager.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
What is OCM?
Many communities and urbanizations have websites, while some are static and provide little information others are slightly more interactive and provide some functionalities like forums and a few added extras like document management. Most websites however fail to provide a fully interactive website that provides for all the needs of a community as whole. OCMs goal has been to provide a multi-lingual web-based solution that could be used by the President, the Committee, Owners, Tenants, Contractors / suppliers and the Administrator regardless of language barriers. The program supports Spanish, English, French, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, German, Norwegian, Finnish, Portuguese and Italian.
The program allows owners to carry out many basic community tasks online and helps presidents; the committee and the administrator to manage this information. Above all the program complies with all legal requirements and the data protection act, unlike many self developed or small website projects by website design companies, the failure of which can cost communities fines of several thousands of euros.
Why OCM?
Because everybody wins!
Owners will stay in touch with what is happening in the community, keep track of security issues that may occur, know when major works or improvements are planned or simply generate more community spirit. What is more, owners can advertise their property for sale or rent, publish any second hand item they may want to sell, and access invaluable information relating to local services.
Presidents will be appreciated for a thankless job, as it allows them to easly improve communications, keep everyone informed throughout the year and achieve more effective AGM’s. Reduce time and effort with our easy-to-use managing tools and keep track of all your past & future issues in just one place.
Administrators will be able to create an effective line of communication with the President, the Committee, and the Owners without having to substitute their pre-existing management software. It will save them time by reducing repetitive tasks, as reports and minutes can be easily posted for owners to view and letters or messages can be send to individual members or groups. It will also save money, as the use of the OCM applications reduces the influx of calls received by owners.
Please contact me for further information..Thank You for reading.
Published at 6:18 PM Comments (0)
People Creating an Internet Lifestyle
Thursday, July 5, 2012
In order to achieve success, you must have
clear goals for your life, and be specific
on the business model you choose. The more
clear and focused you are, the quicker the
results will come. That’s why choosing a
business system that has already been
perfected is always your best choice.
Another year is going to come and go regardless
what you do… are you ready to do something fun,
rewarding, and new? Are you ready to commit
to earning the kind of money you want and
Contact Me To If Your Ready To Soar With The EAGLES:
Carpe Diem : Europen.
Published at 4:19 PM Comments (0)
Persist Beyond Exception
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
A system is the only guarantee for financial
freedom. Investors and business owners know
what I’m saying. A true Internet entrepreneur
who is living the good life doesn’t run
a business anymore.
They have a system. A system will continue
to generate income, irrespective of economic
states or weather changes.
And, instead of relying on foot traffic or
local demand to drive their business, they
are able to do business worldwide by meeting
their customers’ needs virtually and having
their suppliers create, stock and drop ship
the products directly to the customer’s door.
Ten years ago it was different… But recent
technological advances have made people
perfectly comfortable buying online.
Online commerce continues to skyrocket.
This new generation of entrepreneurs can
access global markets from the comfort of
their home with little more than their laptop
and Internet connection – never actually
touching the product themselves!
Outsource a handful of tasks to capable hands
(freelance writers, developers, designers,
researchers, virtual assistants, etc.).
Focus on what you enjoy doing and build a
strong foundation for a blissful Internet
If you believe in yourself, your system,
and your worth, the only way to fail is
to quit. You must have persistence
beyond that of the 99% if you want
to become one of the 1%.
Carpe Diem : European.
Contact me for More Information and to see my business::
Published at 5:09 PM Comments (0)
Stop Hangin’ Out With Turkeys
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Take a look around you and you will notice
that your income is likely that of your ten
closest friends and influences. It’s time
to stop hanging out with the turkeys if you
want to soar with the eagle.
If you don’t know where you are going, any
road will get you there. Can you earn six
figures in 12 months? Absolutely. You can
earn a lot more than that if you know a
thing or two about leverage and productivity
(stay tuned for posts about these two topics
as well.) Regardless, you have to know what
you want and where you are going, or you
will never get there.
Earnings of $100,000 per year mean you can live
the Internet lifestyle. You could live in any
city, be it NYC, Paris, London, San Diego or
Toronto. You could enjoy nice dinners, wear
nice clothes, live in a sexy flat, and eat
gourmet cuisine pretty much anywhere in the
world that suits your fancy.
Best of all you could write that book, start
that hobby, or visit that place you always
wanted to visit. A great way to simplify
this is to break down the amount by 12
months. And afterwards, divide the result
by 30 days.
100,000 divided by 12 = $8333.33/month
$8333.33 divided by 30 = $277.78/daily
Wow, we’re getting somewhere. So, is it
possible to earn $277.78 every single day?
Absolutely … it’s 100% possible!
A lot of bloggers and affiliate marketers
generate over $1000 daily. Freelance writers
can also boast of making that much. So, can
you if you put your mind to it.
Carpe Diem : European.
Published at 5:25 PM Comments (0)
Monday, July 2, 2012
Entrepreneurs — especially young ones — tend
to tap their friends for business advice. But
that can be a mistake. The reason is, friends
tell you what you want to hear. For what you
need to hear, a mentor is often a
better bet.
A mentor could be a professional who advises
entrepreneurs for a living or someone working
in a related industry who is willing to help
And unlike your friends, mentors are typically
more removed from you and your business. So
they tend to be more comfortable delivering
bad or critical news and advice.
And since many of them have either started up
businesses in the past or have worked in
industries that you’re trying to shake up,
mentors can also fill experience gaps, as well
as impart their wisdom on how to handle
specific business challenges.
So how do you find a qualified mentor? You
could luck into landing a suitable mentor.
But most often, you’ll need to spend time
networking among friends and colleagues and
attending industry events and get-togethers.
Be sure to set your sights on someone who
could be a good role model, someone who has
the skills and personality that match your
chemistry, and most of all, someone who is
actually getting the results you want for
Carpe Diem : European.
Published at 4:18 PM Comments (0)
What Exactly Do You want From Life.?
Sunday, July 1, 2012
What exactly do you want from life? You want
a chance to live the life you dreamed of as a
kid, right? And believe me, for you to live
the Internet Lifestyle, you need to find a
proven business system that can generate income
– online, without the hassles of a traditional
brick and mortar business.
There are plenty of businesses you can start,
but the secret to success as an Internet
entrepreneur is finding a system that eliminates
most of the learning curves and startup mistakes
people make.
The vast majority of first time business owners
fail because they do not understand and follow
this rule.
Every successful business model on the planet
relies on systemization… so, why wouldn’t you?
Millions have all migrated to the Internet for
convenience. You just have to take the time to
sort through all the junk.
If you’re not getting the ‘real juice’ online,
something is definitely wrong and you may be
listening to the false gurus. Or, maybe you’re
trying to reinvent the wheel — and if that’s
the case … why?
Stop listening to the countless folk who want
nothing more than your hard-earned dollars in
return for their faux advice. Countless people
make a living online selling untested and
unproven “how to” advice.
The internet is a big place; there are no
limitations except the ones you make up in
your mind. And most of the time we do what we
have to do … until we can do what we want to do.
Carpe Diem: European.
Published at 5:14 PM Comments (0)
An Internet Lifestyle means that you are able to live life on your terms.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
An Internet Lifestyle means that you are able
to live life on your terms. Simple as that.
If you are reading this it means that you’ve
looked at your life (and the current business
you run), and you’re not even close to financial
security — let alone freedom — and you keep
asking yourself: “Isn’t there a way to change
my life?”
Don’t be perturbed — there is a way out of
every ugly situation IF you know a certain
few things.
Earning six figures annually online is not
unrealistic – it’s actually doable and
entirely attainable.
Thus, I want to give a wake-up call to your
inner entrepreneur to rise above the fray
and begin to create the future you really
The greatest enemy of man is himself. If you
could break loose from your inner thoughts that
tell you success is far off, then there is no
mountain anywhere you cannot climb. In fact,
most of the things you’ve been taught about
money are false.
What do I mean?
The cliché that you should go to school, study
and get a good job afterwards (along with a
bag of benefits) is a limiting factor.
We’re living in the information age, where a
single idea can settle a man or woman financially
for the rest of their lives. Academic
qualification has its place in this world,
but not necessarily in the areas of making
money and touching lives around the world.
I think the real education is outside of academic
institutions. The real education you need is
right where you are – in your environment:
the people, events, news, technology,
communication, business startups, etc. You can
learn so much more from the above mentioned
channels than in the four walls of a university.
4 Tips to creating an Internet Lifestyle and
saving you a ton of frustration
1. All frustration is the result of the lack of
a system: Finding a proven business system is
the most lucrative step you can take towards
making a dream come true. When properly
approached, it’s going to make your success
Those who live the Internet lifestyle today
have specific, high-powered systems, not
mere business enterprises.
2. Find an Already Successful “Real World”
Mentor: Find someone who is already achieving
the results that you want in a specific business
and see if he or she would be willing to mentor
you a few hours a month.
If you could do this on your own you would have
already done it. Trust me, you need a mentor.
3. Stop Hanging Out With Turkeys: Take a look
around you and you will notice that your income
is likely that of your ten closest friends and
influences. It’s time to stop hanging out with
the turkeys if you want to soar with the eagles.
You will never outperform your self image and
if you don’t believe in your heart that you
are worth six-figures, you will never command
it into being.
4. Persist Beyond Exception: A system is what
guarantees financial freedom. A system stays
even when the business is gone. Don’t make
the mistake of chasing silver bullets or
“get rich quick” solutions. Stick with your
plan and perfect your system.
You will always come out ahead.
Carpe Diem : European
Published at 4:13 PM Comments (13)
VIVA ESPANA...or not:
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Having lived in Spain for several years,but then returned to the UK i now have itchy feet for the Sun,sea and Better life style back in Spain..or is it a myth,national media here shouting about the Spanish economy,and money to bail out yet another european country..and this is down to greedy politics and goverments feathering there own nests and saying one thing to the people and doing the exact opposite..right.. We have a right to an easier and less stressful future and should have to scrimp and save to pay the over priced products that we need on a daily basis..its all a load of well dogs doo daas . Living in a warm all year round climate is many peoples dream,but then they save sell there homes and move abroad only to find its not the life they dreamed of ...they quickly keep pulling out of there savings or nest egg,to paga and paga,and will little or no options to replace on a regular basis,this dream that people have had for many years starts getting misty and scary..they have to stick with it,they cannot go home all that got cashed in to make there dream a reality..Oops now what do they do ,little money or little income,ok it may be less expensive to live in Spain ..but now one came to Spain to struggle,Remember that ..( Vida La Loca ) all there getting is the loca and on top of that they have not learned little or any Spanish to get employment Ooops again.. So what do people do how do they overcome this major and growing problem about stuck between a rock and a hard place..
I would be interested in your thoughts and comments..And maybe i have a few ideas that will help.. Carpe Diem : European
Published at 2:30 PM Comments (2)
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