EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 10: Trump and his henchmen have really gone too far!
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Donald J Trump, who has been president of the USA for just over two weeks has really gone too far! And his henchmen, most of them unelected, are really taking the p**s!
This will be the final episode of EYE ON TRUMP.
Trump signing executive orders in the Oval Office [RTVE.es]
When writing begins to dominate one's life to the detriment of other interests, it’s time to take a look, to review and to prioritise.
In addition, Feedback from friends and readers unknown to me advises me that this thread does not really belong on a website about Spain. Fair enough!
So, I’ve been pretty brutal and have decided to implement some important changes, one of which is to shut down EYE ON TRUMP:
So, this will be my final post.
Trump and Co’s latest outrages
Over the last few days, The Orange One has been looking and acting like the dictator he yearns to become, with a series of pronouncements from him and his henchmen.
Trump announces he is talking to Vladimir Putin to bring about peace in Ukraine, but WITHOUT INVOLVING VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY NOR ANY EUROPEAN LEADERS! Who does he think he is?
Volodymyr Zelenskyy [Wikipedia] Vladimir Putin [Wikipedia] The Orange One [Stable Diffusion Online]
- Unelected US secretary of defence Pete Hegseth opposes NATO membership for Ukraineand said that restoring Ukraine's borders to how they were before the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 was "unrealistic".
- Vice-president J D Vance attends the Munich Security Conference and doesn’t even mention Ukraine.
- Elon Musk, the world’s richest man is meddling in the affairs of other countries. Why is he considered to be clever? He’s a dangerous idiot who should keep his mouth shut!
No doubt later today, after this blog has shut down, The Orange One and his team of inexpert non-politicians will announce some other outlandish plans.
Vice-president J D Vance [RTVE] Pete Hegseth [Axios] Elon Musk doing his Nazi salute [RTVE]
I’m off! Thanks for supporting this blog over the last three weeks and for your comments. Maybe I’ll resurrect it some time on a more appropriate site ….
No, I don’t think so, I’ll leave it to the professional Press, media and online outlets. Their journalists get paid, I don't.
© Paul Whitelock (alias The Real Inspector Hound)

Photos and Images:
AP News, Axios, RTVE.es, Stable Diffusion Online
AP News, Euronews, MSN, The Telegraph, Wikipedia
AP News, Axios, Elon Musk, Euronews, European Leaders, foreign secretary, J D Vance, MSN, Munich Security Conference, Paul Whitelock, Pete Hegseth, RTVE.es, Putin, Stable Diffusion Online, The Orange One, The Real Inspector Hound, The Telegraph, Trump, Ukraine, Vice-president, Wikipedia, Zelenskyy
Published at 12:47 PM Comments (1)
EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 9: How much does Trump earn as president?
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Why does the Orange One want to be president? Is it for the money? Or the power? For the good of America? Or to feed his over-sized ego?
This article by The Real Inspector Hound is in Spanish – after all, most readers of this blog are Spanish-speakers.
Foto-Montage: Daily Mail (Londres)
English-only-speakers can Google-translate it.
Cuánto dinero cobra Donald Trump como presidente de los Estados Unidos
Donald Trump está de vuelta en la Casa Blanca, creando caos con sus muchos ordenes ejecutivos.
Pero, ¿cuánto gana este anciano (78 años) que también es criminal, racista, machista, y excusa de un hombre?
Para muchos es el hombre más poderoso del mundo, así que ¿es el mejor remunerado de todos los jefes de gobierno del mundo?
The Orange One [Foto: CNN]
Así que seguro te has preguntado alguna vez, ¿cuánto dinero gana realmente el presidente del país más poderoso del mundo?
Además del salario, Trump disfrutará de varios privilegios que vienen con el puesto.
Aquí te contamos todos los detalles.
El salario presidencial de Donald Trump: 400.000 dólares al año
Desde el momento en que Donald Trump tomó posesión de su cargo, empezó a recibir un salario anual de 400.000 dólares brutos (vamos que una suma totalmente insignificante comparado con la fortuna personal del ahora presidente). Esta cantidad está regulada por el ‘United States Code’, que establece la remuneración fija del presidente desde 1999. Antes de esa fecha, el sueldo era de 200.000 dólares anuales, pero se duplicó para reflejar la importancia y las responsabilidades del cargo.
Pero vamos a los detalles que es lo que nos interesa.
Este salario se divide en 12 pagas mensuales, lo que significa que Trump recibirá más de 33.000 dólares brutos cada mes.
A esto se le suma una asignación adicional de 50.000 dólares anuales para cubrir los gastos asociados a su rol presidencial.
Privilegios presidenciales: mucho más que un buen salario
Ser presidente de los Estados Unidos no solo significa tener un sueldo envidiable, sino también te ofrece la oportunidad de acceder a una serie de privilegios que pocos pueden disfrutar.
Trump tiene nuevamente a su disposición la icónica Casa Blanca como su residencia oficial, un lugar cargado de historia y simbolismo.
La Casa Blanca - gratis [Foto: Britannica]
Entre los lujos que acompañan el cargo está «La Bestia», la limusina presidencial diseñada por la CIA.
Este vehículo no solo es blindado, sino que también cuenta con sistemas de comunicación encriptados para garantizar la seguridad del presidente en todo momento
Y, por supuesto, el avión presidencial, del que se conocen pocos detalles.
"La Bestia" [Foto: New York Post] El avión presidencial [Foto: Bloomberg]
Además, Trump contará con un equipo de escoltas del Servicio Secreto, cuyo número exacto se mantiene en secreto por razones de seguridad, pero que puede aumentar según el nivel de amenaza o los eventos a los que asista.
Mis pensamientos
Trump no lo hace por el dinero, sino por el poder que puede ejercer como presidente de EE.UU. y por el estatus de ser el hombre mas poderoso del mundo.
[Dibujo animado de Shutterstock]
© The Real Inspector Hound

¿Que?, Marietta Ortiz, MSN, SkyNews, Wikipedia
Amazon, Bloomberg, Britannica, CNN, New York Post, Shutterstock,
12 pagas mensuales, 200.000 dólares anuales, 78 años, anciano, asignación adicional de 50.000 dólares anuales, Bloomberg, Britannica, CNN, caos, criminal, ¿cuánto gana?, Donald Trump, el avión presidencial, el hombre más poderoso del mundo, el ‘United States Code’, equipo de escoltas, excusa de un hombre, gastos asociados a su rol presidencial, importancia, «La Bestia», la Casa Blanca, la CIA, la fortuna personal, la seguridad del presidente, limusina presidencial, lujos, machista, Marietta Ortiz, más de 33.000 dólares brutos cada mes, New York Post, nivel de amenaza, ordenes ejecutivos, presidente de EE.UU., presidente de los Estados Unidos, privilegios, racista, remuneración fija, responsabilidades, salario, Servicio Secreto, Shutterstock, sistemas de comunicación encriptados, sueldo, The Real Inspector Hound, Trump, un salario anual de 400.000 dólares brutos, un sueldo envidiable
Published at 9:17 PM Comments (0)
EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 8: Illegal Land Grab
Friday, February 7, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
By The Real Inspector Hound
Donald J Trump, who has now been in office for just over two weeks, has managed to upset pretty much everybody.
The Orange President of the United States of America announced his plans to take over Gaza and “own it”.
"Insane" Trump [Photo: NBC News]
He plans to re-locate the Palestinians who have homes there (albeit destroyed beyond repair) to other countries, clean up the Strip and turn it into a holiday resort.
What’s the story?
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, stood beside Trump throughout their joint press conference in the White House.
In a ridiculous show of baffling hubris, Trump outlined his plans for the Gaza Strip. No more Palestinians, the USA would seize ownership, they would raze it to the ground, clear out all the debris, together with the unexploded bombs, and decontaminate the whole area.
Netanyahu and Trump Press conference [ABC News]
"The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too. We'll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site," Trump declared.
He would then build a “Riviera” of holiday homes.
His “mate” Nigel Farage, leader of the right-wing Reform Party in the UK, later applauded the move and endorsed Donald Trump's plan to take over Gaza and turn it into the "Riviera of the Middle East".
The reaction?
The US President sparked global outrage with his proposal to permanently resettle 2.1 million Palestinians from the war-ravaged territory.
First of all, it seems that the Palestinians who have called this area their home for decades want to move back, despite the challenges of the clear-up and rebuilding their homes. Some are already living in tents amongst the ruins.
Despite the destruction seen in Gaza, Palestinians view it as an integral part of their envisaged future state and consistently resist the notion of being uprooted. Instead, many residents show a steadfast willingness to remain and rebuild.
Image of Gaza Strip [Photo: EL PAIS]
The Arab countries Trump suggested could take these refugees are not keen on the idea.
World public opinion is outraged and against the plan.
Associate Editor at The Daily Mirror, Kevin Maguire, speaking on SKY News on Thursday morning, was heavily critical of the move, calling Trump a “lunatic”.
The Israeli leader sees this proposed action as a way out of his problems.
Nigel Farage, the Reform UK leader and MP for Clacton-on-Sea, told a press conference in Westminster that the idea of forcing people out of their homes to build "casinos" was "very appealing".
Asked about Donald Trump wanting to turn Gaza into the “Riviera of the Middle East”, Farage said:
“I love ambition. The thought of a wealthy, wonderful, thriving place with well paid jobs, casinos, nightlife. I mean, it sounds very appealing to me”.
Kevin Maguire [Photo: ITVx] Nigel Farage [Photo: Associated Press]
Trump’s latest executive order is a condemnation and sanction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for indicting Netanyahu.
Yet the USA is not even a member of the court!
Last Word
This story will run and run.
So far the Orange One shows no signs of stepping back from his wild plan. He has to go, one way or another.
© The Real Inspector Hound

Photos and Images:
ABC, AP, Associated Press, BBC, Daily Mirror, EL PAIS, NBC News, ITVx
BBC, Daily Mirror, ITV, MSN, SKY News
ABC, AP, Associated Press, Benjamin Netanyahu, BBC, Cartoon Movement, CBS, CNN, Daily Mirror, Donald J Trump, El Confidencial, EL PAIS, Episode 8: Illegal Land Grab, executive order, EYE ON TRUMP, Gaza Strip, global outrage, ITVx, ICC, International Criminal Court, Israeli leader, Israeli prime minister, Kevin Maguire, La Vanguardia, “lunatic”, MP for Clacton-on-Sea, MSN, NBC News, Nigel Farage, Orange One, Palestinian, Real Inspector Hound, Reform Party, "Riviera of the Middle East", SKY News, take over Gaza, UK, USA, White House
Published at 8:48 AM Comments (0)
EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 7: “The EU is an atrocity”
Monday, February 3, 2025
Monday, February 3, 2025
By The Real Inspector Hound
Donald J Trump, who has just clocked up his first week as president of the United States of America, called the European Union an “atrocity” in an interview with the BBC yesterday.
Following his ridiculous and undemocratic pronouncements that from tomorrow, Tuesday 4 February, Canada and Mexico, the two neighbours of the US, will pay import tariffs of 25% and China 10%, he has yet to announce whether he will levy import tariffs on goods imported from the UK. But he strongly hinted that tariffs on goods imported from the European Union will be hefty.
The Orange One is truly nuts!
Photo Montage of Trudeau, Trump and Sheinbaum [BBC]
How have Canada and Mexico reacted?
No big surprise here! Both countries are fighting back!
Justin Trudeau, the outgoing Canadian prime minister, retaliated by lobbing a 25% import tariff on American goods. Chief amongst these are American wines, beers, bourbon, and orange juice which represent a huge market.
Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum has reacted in a similar manner by imposing a 25% tariff on American goods exported into Mexico. This could adversely affect the export of US manufactured cars and trucks.
Is Trump stupid?
I think he must be! Did DJT really think that this would not happen?
Trump is a bully, so it’s great to see Canada and Mexico fighting back.
"Trump is a bully" [Cartoon courtesy of POCHO]
What about the UK?
In the interview with the BBC, Trump made positive comments about his relationship with Sir Keir Starmer, the UK prime minister, leading to hopes that he might not impose an import tariff on British goods exported to the USA.
Trump and Starmer. Buddies or not? [BBC]
Given his expressed views about the European Union and Starmer’s current cosying up to EU leaders in Brussels, this may turn out not to be the case.
Trump’s policies are based on vindictiveness. He is a nasty man.
He's also a convicted felon, yet is permitted, as president, to pardon himself! You couldn't make it up, could you?
The American Constitution and American democracy are not fit for purpose. They are both a joke.
The whole of the rest of the world is laughing itself silly.
A pity Trump isn’t in gaol where he belongs.
[Cartoon courtesy of Cartoon Movement]
What the papers say .....
February 2, 2025: Donald Trump presidency news | CNN Politics
Trump firma tres órdenes ejecutivas con aranceles demoledores a México, Canadá y China - La Vanguardia/MSN
Trump says EU tariffs will happen and UK is 'out of line' but deal 'can be worked out' - BBC News
Following discussions between Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and US President Donald Trump, the introduction of an import tariff of 25%, due to commence tomorrow, has been suspended for one month.
Trump and Sheinbaum make an agreement [CNN]
Read all about it here:
Trump suspende la aplicación de aranceles a México durante un mes - El Confidencial
© The Real Inspector Hound
Photos and Images:
BBC, CNN, Cartoon Movement, Daily Mirror, POCHO
BBC, Cartoon Movement, CBS, CNN, Donald J Trump, El Confidencial, Episode 7: “The EU is an atrocity”, EYE ON TRUMP, La Vanguardia, MSN, Real Inspector Hound, Sky News
Published at 12:38 PM Comments (0)
EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 6: Trump has gone too far!
Friday, January 31, 2025
Donald J Trump, who has not yet been president for a week has really gone too far!
Following the tragic air crash above the Potomac river in Washington DC on Wednesday this disgrace of a man has tried to blame the accident on the policy of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) which, he says, means intellectually challenged people are being employed as air traffic controllers. HE HAS NO EVIDENCE FOR THIS.
[Photo: Sky News]
What the papers say .....
The US and world's Press and media have united to criticise the "madman" who is the de facto leader of the Western World.
Donald Trump argues with CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins after blaming Democrats, DEI policies for Washington plane crash | Marca - Marca (Spain)
Ex-airline captain says he was ‘disgusted’ by Trump’s press conference | CNN Politics - CNN
Flugzeugabsturz in Washington: War der Tower unterbesetzt? - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Live: President Donald Trump Holds Press Conference | NBC News - NBC
Trump Blames DEI for Plane Crash That Killed 67 in Ridiculous Press Conference - Gizmodo
Daily Mirror front page [BBC]
Trump: Crash 'could have been' a result of diversity hiring - BBC News
Trump rails against DEI at press conference on fatal DC plane crash - Washington Examiner
Trump speaks about D.C. plane crash and points blame at DEI - CBS News - CBS News
Summing up
Surely, even his own supporters, or many of them, will already be regretting giving the Orange One their vote in the presidential election.
Will this statement, added to his other controversial executive orders, be his downfall? Will someone be motivated to make a third attempt to assassinate the man?
We await developments with bated breath .....
Missed! [Photo: Sky News]
© The Real Inspector Hound
BBC, Daily Mirror, Sky News
BBC, CBS, CNN, Daily Mirror, DEI, Donald J Trump, Episode 6: Trump has gone too far, EYE ON TRUMP, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Gizmodo, Marca, NBC, Potomac river, Real Inspector Hound, Sky News, tragic air crash, Washington DC, Washington Examiner
Published at 6:11 PM Comments (2)
EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 5: Trump is a pr**k!
Monday, January 27, 2025
So, says most of the world outside the rust belt in the USA and the gullible blacks and women that voted for this convicted felon!
Actually he’s much worse than a pr***k. He is DANGEROUS! Let’s take a look!
What’s he done then?
What’s he done to upset most people, ie democrats, intelligent republicans, foreign governments and most citizens of European countries?
The European Press, even those who are unashamedly right wing, are unrestrained in their criticism. In addition, the US citizens I have spoken to in the last few days, from New York, Virginia, Florida and California, are apoplectic with fury at what Trump is doing and proposing to do.
[Trump cartoon courtesy of The Columbus Dispatch]
The American Man (and Woman) on the street
Elaine from California, who I bumped into in Setenil de las Bodegas (Cádiz), used more expletives than I have done to describe their new president. Unrepeatable here.
Isabelle from New York, on holiday in Ronda (Málaga), is glad to be living and studying in Berlin.
She intends to stay in Germany, which she should be able to do, as she is engaged to be married to a German from Hamburg.
Isabelle, a New Yorker living in Berlin [Facebook]
Two American women, who were with Elaine (above), are married to US naval personnel who are stationed in Rota (Cádiz) where there has been an important strategic US naval base since the end of the Civil War in 1939.
That “deal” was negotiated by the dictator General Franco, who had no friends in Europe – his fascist "buddies" Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini committed suicide and were hanged respectively at the end of World War II in 1945.
Rota Naval Base in Cadiz [Wikipedia]
The Press
Most of the British Press are critical of the Orange One, including the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph, all three right-wing papers.
In Spain, even right-wing newspapers like ABC and Sur in English are against Trump and it goes without saying that El Mundo and Málaga Hoy, which are left-leaning, are extremely critical.
[Image courtesy of Daily Sabah]

Cartoon by Idigoras [Diario Sur, Malaga]
In Germany, the Press in general is critical of the new president of the USA. German politicians, such as socialist chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), and Friedrich Merz of the CDU (Conservative) also. I am also not convinced that the leader of the right-wing AfD (Alternative for Germany), Alice Weidel, has much time for the Orange One.
In France president Macron is massively critical of the criminal installed in the White House.
Alice Weidel of the AfD [Photo: El País]
My thoughts
Will Trump care that virtually the whole world is against him?
Probably not, but he needs to reign in people like Elon Musk, who is totally out of order.
An unintelligent multi-billionaire who is even more of a pr**k than Donald himself.
Cartoon featuring Elon Musk [Knight Cartoons]
© The Real Inspector Hound

Photos and Images:
Amazon, Daily Sabah, Diario Sur, El País, Facebook, Knight Cartoons, The Columbus Dispatch, Wikipedia
ABC, AfD, Alternative for Germany, Adolf Hitler, Alice Weidel, Amazon, Benito Mussolini, British Press, Cádiz, Civil War, CDU, Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Sabah, Daily Telegraph, Diario Sur, El Mundo, Elon Musk, El País, EYE ON TRUMP, Facebook, France, Friedrich Merz, General Franco, German politicians, Germany, hanged, Isabelle from New York, Knight Cartoons, Málaga, Málaga Hoy, new president of the USA, Olaf Scholz, Orange One, president Macron, Press, pr**k, right-wing, Ronda, Rota, SPD, Spain, suicide, Sur in English, The Columbus Dispatch, The Real Inspector Hound, Trump, Trump is a pr**k!, unintelligent multi-billionaire, US naval base, US naval personnel, White House, Wikipedia, World War II
Published at 9:38 AM Comments (0)
EYE ON TRUMP – Episode 4: Trump gets a “bollocking” from the bishop
Thursday, January 23, 2025
The EYE ON TRUMP blog aims to keep EOS readers up-to-date with the events surrounding the new, and second, presidency of Donald J Trump, the convicted felon who is the new occupant of the White House.
We’ve been wondering what US voters have unleashed on the world. Well, they and we are beginning to find out with a torrent of executive orders!

Bishop Budde at a prayer service on Tuesday at Washington National Cathedral [Photo: Doug Mills/The New York Times]
However, not everything is going to plan for the Orange One. At the religious service at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Washington DC on Day 2 the Episcopal Bishop of Washington DC tore into the new president in a way which seemed to take him fully by surprise, judging by the look on his face.
What did Bishop Mariann E Budde say?
A heated exchange unfolded between Donald Trump and Bishop Marianne Budde over her sermon advocating for compassion towards marginalized communities.
What did the Press have to say?
The Italian newspaper Il Messaggero focused on the compassionate appeal by the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, Marianne Budde.
Yesterday during the service at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Washington DC, one of the most significant churches in the city, she reminded the new president that one cannot lack mercy and exclude thousands and thousands of migrants and LGBT people from the life of the country, emphasizing that there are also gay, lesbian, and transgender children who now fear for their lives.
The harsh reaction of Donald Trump was not long in coming. Trump later wrote that she is a 'bad' bishop and demands an apology from her.
The sermon she delivered in front of Trump and Vice President Vance was not appreciated at all.
"This pseudo-bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning is a radical leftist who hates Trump with a passion," Vance wrote on his platform Truth Social.
"She was unpleasant in her tone and was neither convincing nor intelligent. She and her church owe the public an apology!"
Elon Musk, commenting on X, described the bishop's words as an example of "woke mentality virus."
Marianne Edgar Budde, 65, became a bishop in 2011 and in her district she is responsible for 86 congregations and ten schools.
She is known for being tough, frank, and certainly not easily influenced.
"I was just trying to tell him: the country has been entrusted to you. And one of the qualities of a leader is mercy.
America is increasingly divided. According to a poll, just over half of the country supports the deportation of every unauthorised immigrant living in the United States.
Elizabeth Dias, writing for The NY Times, speculated whether anyone was going to say anything?
Bishop Budde locked eyes with President Trump and made a plea for mercy — and the war over spiritual authority in America was ignited anew.
According to Dias Mariann E. Budde had planned for months to preach on three elements of unity — dignity, honesty and humility.
But just 24 hours earlier, she had watched President Trump proclaim his agenda from the inauguration stage, as conservative Christians anointed him with prayer.
He was no longer just campaigning — he was governing, she thought. His nascent presidency and flurry of executive orders had so far encountered little resistance. She felt duty bound to add a fourth element to her sermon: A plea for mercy, on behalf of everyone who is scared by the ways he has threatened to wield his power.
“I had a feeling that there were people watching what was happening and wondering, Was anyone going to say anything?” she explained quietly in an interview on Tuesday night. “Was anyone going to say anything about the turn the country’s taking?”
President Trump, seated seven feet below and some 40 feet to her right, made eye contact. One representation of American Christianity began speaking to another, and the most powerful man in the world was arrested by the words of a silver-haired female bishop in the pulpit.
Until he turned away.
Buzzfeed reported on Yahoo! that the Bishop is "braver than the entire Democrat Party”.
Michaela Bramwell, writing on the website, said that the chaos has already commenced with Trump's mass executive order signings that are already impacting marginalised communities.
Bishop Budde decided to speak up, and went went viral for her direct confrontation with Donald Trump during the National Prayer Service.
The Bishop directly asked Trump to "have mercy" on immigrants and LGBTQ+ individuals who "fear for their lives".
"This Woman Is Braver Than The Entire Democrat Party": This Clip Of A Bishop Asking Trump To Have Mercy On LGBTQ+ People And Immigrants Is Going Viral
She commented that there are people who do the mundane jobs who may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but a vast majority of immigrants are not criminals.
"I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away... Our God teaches us, that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land."
Here's Trump, with wife Melania, who appear visibly uncomfortable, and JD Vance and his wife Usha both look visibly annoyed:
Trump and Melania [YouTube] JD Vance and Usha also [Christian Today]
Kimberlee Speakman, writing for People, reported that Donald Trump had called the Bishop "nasty" and "not smart" for asking him to show "mercy" during the National Prayer Service.
Bishop Mariann Budde told the newly inaugurated president that his rhetoric has stoked fear among LGBTQ+ people and immigrants, prompting Trump to fire back on Truth Social hours later.
President Donald Trump took a jab at Bishop Mariann Budde for her sermon at the National Prayer Service when she called on him to show “mercy” to immigrants and those in the LGBTQ+ community.
A day after the sermon, Trump, 78, shared a lengthy post on Truth Social in which he wrote off the Episcopal bishop of Washington - who has previously been critical of him - as a “Radical Left hard-line Trump-hater.”
“She brought her church into the world of politics in a very ungracious way,” Trump wrote on Wednesday, Jan. 22. “She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart.”
“She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our country and killed people,” he continued, repeating a common claim that he made during his 2024 presidential campaign.
“Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA.”
Trump continued his post by describing Budde's sermon as a “very boring” and “uninspiring one" and accusing her of being bad at her job.
He concluded: "She and her church owe the public an apology!”
After the service, Trump told reporters, via a video shared by the Associated Press: "Not too exciting, was it? I didn't think it was a very good service, no." He added, "They could do much better."
© The Real Inspector Hound

Pop Crave en X: "Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde pleads to President Donald Trump to have mercy amid LGBTQ+ and immigration policies.https://t.co/rNmpjmnd50" / X
Amazon, Christian Today, Doug Mills, Facebook, Messaggero Digital, New York Times, YouTube
Associated Press, Buzzfeed, Elizabeth Dias, Elon Musk, Il Messagero, Michaela Bramwell, New York Times, "People", SKY News, The Telegraph, Truth Social, Yahoo!, X
described the bishop's words as an example of
2024 presidential campaign, 2020 presidential election, Bishop Mariann Budde, BBC Sounds, Capitol building, Elon Musk, EOS readers, EYE ON TRUMP, first big mistake, immigrants, January 6th 2021 rioters, JD Vance, Kimberlee Speakman, LGBTQ+ community, Melania, National Prayer Service, Orange One, "People", SKY News, The Real Inspector Hound, Trump, Truth Social, US voters, Usha, violence against the police, White House, "woke mentality virus"
Published at 8:40 PM Comments (0)
EYE ON TRUMP – Episode 3: Trump makes first BIG MISTAKE
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
We’ve been wondering what US voters have unleashed on the world. Well, they and we are beginning to find out!
Yet, has the Orange One made his first big mistake?
The EYE ON TRUMP blog aims to keep EOS readers up-to-date with the main catastrophic actions of the convicted felon who now sits In the White House.
It’s only Day 2 and he’s made his first big mistake
Overnight Trump ordered the release from prison of some 1,600 January 6th 2021 rioters who stormed the Capitol building in protest at the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. They had been tried, found guilty of a range of offences and gaoled.
But he released everybody, including those convicted of violence against the police and who were serving 20-year sentences. Hundreds of police were injured, some seriously and one officer died.
TV coverage of prisoners being released was sickening. Triumphalism gone mad.
According to a report broadcast on BBC Sounds, only 20% of Republican voters support this move.
I have to ask why any leader of any country would release unrepentant violent criminals back into society, where they can offend again. The man is mad!
© The Real Inspector Hound

Amazon, The Guardian, The Telegraph
BBC Sounds, SKY News
2020 presidential election, BBC Sounds, Capitol building, EOS readers, EYE ON TRUMP, first big mistake, January 6th 2021 rioters, Orange One, SKY News, The Real Inspector Hound, Trump, US voters, White House, violence against the police,
Published at 10:49 PM Comments (3)
EYE ON TRUMP – Episode 2: The Executive Orders
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
OMIGOD! What have US voters unleashed on the world?
Trump 2.0. God help us! The Orange One needs watching!
The Orange One [Facebook]
EYE ON TRUMP aims to do just that by bringing to EOS readers the catastrophic actions of the convicted felon who now sits In the White House.
Still on Day 1 ….. Executive Orders
A curious quirk of democracy US-style is that an outgoing president may issue "pardons" and an incoming one "executive orders", in both cases without reference to Congress or The Senate.
Joe Biden yesterday issued “pre-emptive pardons” to members of his extended family to protect them from future prosecutions by a vindictive Trump.
Joe Biden waves farewell [BBC]
Donald Trump publicly signed an unprecedented number of “executive orders” in front of the watching world.
And this is what they call democracy?
Press comment
According to Mary Walrath-Holdridge and Anthony Robledo writing in USA TODAY, shortly after declaring an incoming "golden age" for America during his inaugural speech on Monday, President Trump spent the afternoon and early evening signing and declaring a flurry of executive orders.
In his speech, Trump promised actions ranging from mass deportation and declaring a national emergency at the southern border to a manifest destiny that expands all the way to outer space.
[Photo: iStock]
"The United States will once again consider itself a growing mission, one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations and carries our flag into new and beautiful horizons, and we will pursue our manifest destiny for the stars watching American astronauts plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars," said Trump.
With so many executive orders, some of them will most certainly be challenged and possibly shut down.
Here is a list of some of the highlights – or lowlights - that have been the most talked about so far.
Elon Musk making a fool of himself [Photos (L to R): The Conversation, NBF.com and NDTV ]
© The Real Inspector Hound

BBC, iStock, NBF.com, NDTV, The Conversation,
14th Amendment of the Consitution, American astronauts, Anthony Robledo, ban on TikTok, bans on travel and asylum seekers, birthright citizenship, border security, categorised as foreign terrorist organizations, Congress, convicted felon, Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE Agenda, deploying the military to the border, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Elon Musk, emissions, Executive Orders, EOS, EYE ON TRUMP, fossil fuels, Gulf of America, Gulf of Mexico, immigration, Inflation Reduction Act, January 6th 2001 rioters, Joe Biden, Mars, Mary Walrath-Holdridge, mass deportation, national border emergency, national emergency, "national energy emergency", NBF.com, NDTV, oil drilling, outer space, pre-emptive pardons, Paris Climate Agreement, prescription drug prices, remote work, restoring the death penalty in the USA, return to the office, Senate, stars and stripes, The Conversation, The Orange One, The Real Inspector Hound, two non-changeable genders, undocumented immigrants, USA TODAY, US voters, White House, World Health Organization,
Published at 9:19 PM Comments (2)
EYE ON TRUMP - Episode 1
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
OMIGOD! What have US voters unleashed on the world?
Trump 2.0. God help us!
The Orange One needs watching!
This blog aims to do just that by bringing to EOS readers the catastrophic actions of the convicted felon who now sits In the White House.

Publicity shot Police mugshot [Both photos courtesy of NDTV]
I doubt my posts will have any effect. Trump won’t even read them (I hope not, anyway, otherwise there might be a knock on my door from a CIA agent!).
But at least I’ll be able to get things off my chest, and annoy my right-wing buddy NF who supports DJT!
What a chaotic world we live in!
Netanyahu, Putin, Zelenskyy, Assad, Starmer, Badenoch, Davey, Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah. And before that Bojo the Clown, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.
But surely the most worrying person in world politics right now is DONALD JOHN TRUMP.
Bojo The Clown [Facebook]
Why can’t he be more amiable and sensible like his snooker-playing nephew JUDD TRUMP?
Former World Snooker Champion Judd Trump [Snooker Hub]
Episode 1 – The Trump Inauguration
To the surprise of most commentators, foreign journalists, pollsters, and Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party, Donald J Trump was elected as the next president of the United States back in November 2024 ….. and with a landslide!
What went wrong?
How could American citizens, and in particular black people and women, elect this loud-mouthed, sexist, racist, serial adulterer, rapist and convicted felon to be their president and the de facto leader of the Western World?
It makes a mockery of democracy!
[Photo courtesy of The Atlantic]
OK, rant over.
I’ve started this occasional blog to keep on eye on the b**tard and to vent my frustration at the “stoopid” people who voted him into office FOR A SECOND TERM!
Starting with yesterday, the day of his inauguration in Washington DC.
Should we be worried?
Watching the formal proceedings in the Capitol, I was struck by the following:
1. Most of Trump’s team are as old as or older than he is. 78! Why’s he not putting his feet up?
2. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, was in a very prominent position in the line-up, along with Trump’s other tech-billionaire acolytes Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg – very worrying!
3. Vice-president JD Vance was looking shifty and untrustworthy.
4. Trump and Vance have stunning wives!
Melania Trump [El Espectador] Usha Vance [24 Horas]
5. The organisers did their best with the pomp and ceremony, but they were nowhere near the class and pageantry of the British on such occasions!
6. Was it pre-arranged that Melania Trump didn’t let DJT make contact when he tried to kiss her on the cheek? Does he have bad breath, or does she really not like him much, as the rumours would have us believe?
7. There were a lot of long faces in the mainly Republican audience. Are they also worried what Trump might do?
The Failed Kiss [CTV News]
So, what can we expect from the second term of this faded TV game-show host and failed businessman?
Will it be as dire and draconian as he has flagged in recent weeks?
I fear we’ll soon find out …..
Final word for today
By the way, is nothing else happening in the world? The TV news coverage of this event is wall-to-wall.
The BBC, ITV, SKY News, CNN, NBC, RTVE, France-Presse, ARD, ZDF, N-TV and N24 are all guilty!
© The Real Inspector Hound

24 Horas, Amazon, CTV News, El Espectador, Facebook, NDTV, Snooker Hub, The Atlantic
24 Horas, Amazon, ARD, Assad, Badenoch, Bezos, black people, Bojo the Clown, BBC, CNN, CTV News, convicted felon, Davey, de facto leader of the Western World, El Espectador, Elon Musk, Facebook, faded TV game-show host, failed businessman, France-Presse, Hamas, Hezbollah, ITV, ISIS, JD Vance, Jeff Bezos, Liz Truss, loud-mouthed, Mark Zuckerberg, Musk, N24, NBC, NDTV, Netanyahu, N-TV, Putin, racist, RTVE, rapist, richest man in the world, Rishi, serial adulterer, sexist, Sunak, SKY News, Snooker Hub, Starmer, The Atlantic, The Real Inspector Hound, Usha Vance, Vice-president, Zelenskyy, Zuckerberg, ZDF
Published at 10:10 AM Comments (2)
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