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Forever gorgeous!
I defy anyone to disagree with me, when I say that every woman on the planet wants to have the feel good factor every day of her life. Think it’s impossible? Well think again!
To succeed you only require three attributes: - 1) Patience, 2) Zest for life, 3) Will Power.
Life for everyone is a challenge, but if you step off that roller coaster to enable you to take control. Believe me it will be a breath of spring.
Pick up a notepad and pencil and sit somewhere comfortable to enable you to relax and clear your mind of ‘rubbish’!
Have two columns, negative and positive, be truthful with yourself from the outset, but remember anything is possible provided if you truly want to achieve.
Remove the stress and anxiety from your life, by finding time to relax, remember it’s the simple things that ultimately give us the most pleasure.
Exercise should be added to your daily tasks, this is so important for you heart and lungs, your body and your brain.
Eating healthy food, NEVER eat processed food, instead enjoy your kitchen and create fabulous meals. You know you are worth it!
To achieve a daily life, whereby you not only look good but feel good, takes some effort from every individual, but surely that has got to be beneficial to you!
Visit and register on my new website, whilst you are reading the reviews and listening to the blog radio interview you might as well buy the book it will become your reference bible.
After a few months, you may want to send me comments on how you are progressing.
Look forward to hearing from you.
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I’m Nina Bagnall, it’s taken some time to get around to writing this book but now its finished I know that it will be of benefit to all the women who read It.! Every one wants to look good and feel great no matter what age they are but when we reach our fifties and beyond it becomes ever more important, for several reasons. Menopause is always tricky, and Osteoporosis has a tendency to lurk in the background. Personally my health through my life has not been brilliant, having to cope with asthma and eczema from a baby. Having the last rights administered when I was three months old, but surviving only to find many days when I have thought it was my last due to shortage of breath. Finding naturally remedies over the years has been fascinating and so very interesting, experimenting with different ones until I found the ones that suited me as an individual. Cooking is a passion and therefore eating healthily has also been a benefit. Now at 57 years old following a daily regime, I feel great, look good my mind is active and alert and every day is a good day. All my research gathered over the years has been compiled for you in my book to enable you to follow suggestions and options. There are only three requirements for every woman to have....1) Patience. 2) Will power. 3) Zest for life. Which would you prefer......a chemical tablet (where the side effects outweigh the benefits) or a natural way? Eating healthily, instead of all the grease that is consumed daily? Take the challenge .........You have everything to gain!
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