Spain suffers the most incidents of forrest fire of any European country and there has been a dramatic increase in wildfires this year with most fires caused by human actions.
fire is a natural element that the ecosystem uses to regenerate forests and mountains, as it provides resprouting and germination in its wake. However, it has ceased to be a natural disturbance that shapes the landscape to become a major threat and over 96% of cases in Spain are caused by humans.
Lack of prevention:
Lack of prevention is a fundamental problem. This factor, together with rural abandonment and other structural problems, has led to increased forest fires, which is not only highly dangerous for biodiversity but also for the safety of the population. In addition, the increased frequency and intensity of heat waves, dry winters and rising temperatures contributes to frequency and intensity of wildfires.

Spain is the EU country most affected by forest fires. Other Mediterranean area countries such as Portugal, Greece, southern France and Italy also suffer especially. Despite this major problem,there is no community forestry policy.
What solutions are there?
Improving preventive forest management is key. We must reduce the amount of biomass with firewood collection, sustainable energy production, etc. Taking into account the functioning of ecosystems and the need to respect the structural diversity of the forest.
It is essential to develop a management structure of forests that takes into account climate change and also to mimic the workings of nature, favoring genetic and species diversity and reduce the density of trees thus the forests will be less vulnerable to fire, pests and diseases.

The solutions have to be multi directional and have a medium to long term, because the causes are diverse and complex and the problems were created decades ago.
So Greenpeace fight to improve the prevention and work the following points:
* the main cause of forest fires in Spain is the use of fire in rural areas where it is traditionally used in (especially in Galicia) as a management tool for burning stubble, pasture and expansion for cattle. It is essential to put an end to this pratice and there are ways to avoid it.
* scarce resources are allocated to prevention efforts, forcing firefighters to focus its work on extinction. This is a very dangerous job and is executed with supreme bravery and professionalism.
* So Greenpeace aims to add to these professionals, offering a public service that should be proactive and not just reactive.
*A local emergency plans and advice to landowners on mountain and forest environments, isolated houses and campsites is needed. If you live in such a place, ask your local town hall for advice on self-protection plans, including preventive tasks and steps that you should follow in case of fire.
*Join a local firewatch group on social media who post up to date alerts and sound advise on prevention and evacuation plans.
A Link to find your local group:

The Goverment need to play a fundamental role in law management, research, and participation in criminal proceedings, also awareness programs for citizens. Moreover the number of arsonists caught is small and smaller numbers convicted of the offense under the Criminal Code.

The municipality of Mijas on the Costa del Sol has suffered four fires in the last month and arson is suspected and every year we are losing thousands of hectares, this year is looking to break all records.

I would like to end with a heartfelt thanks to the fire services for their arduous work in saving lives and property...I owe my butt to them.

Greenpeace España
Bomberos de Mijas