As we are all starting to get nearer to living in San Juan, whether on a permanent basis or just for regular visits, I thought it might be useful to have a thread where anyone can post recommendations for places to visit, places to eat or not, as the case may be and any matters that we need to be aware of.
When we were out with friends earlier this week (yes, we have friends already) someone mentioned we were on Orange Alert. 'What's that?' I asked. Well, it turns out that at some point, generally in early July, the water supply gets to a level where the area is put on orange alert, which means you are not allowed to waste water by washing your car at home, you need to take it to the car wash where they recycle the water, not allowed to empty and re-fill the swimming pools, although you can top them up as required etc, basically, you have to be aware of conserving water without them actually issuing a hosepipe ban, as they would in the UK on the first sunny day. This normally goes on until late September, depending on the rain fall in the mountains.
Now, because we don't read newspapers, we hadn't seen the announcement that we were on orange alert and it prompted me to think a thread on here for such info as well as recommendations would be useful. As newbies to the area, we all have to get info from somewhere and sharing it on here seems a good place.