Right now, according to Polaris customer service we still do not know when satalite TV will be available...., I have heard so many dates for their communications I dont think It is worth asking anymore. Speaking with the community leader he advised that we will be discussing these servcies at the meeting.
Campasol are offering the only system in Spain that will work on Polaris world but that requires a satalite dish, from what I understand, if the dish was attached to an independant pole it will not be illigal. For the ones of us permantely living here something with the telecom needs to happen, we would be happy if we could get something in writing but no one at Polaris is prepared to do that...em
Satalite or not, that is the question for us...
I dont think the sky box fromt eh UK will work from what Polaris has told, they have the communications tied up real tight.
Terry and Jill