There was a meeting called on the 4th March, of which I knew nothing about I hasten to add, and having just seen the minutes I am posting this thread. The main topic of the night was the non-payment of community fees. I think there are about 90 properties and out of that 90 only about 5 of us are paying the fees and as one of those who IS paying I was quite miffed at not knowing there was a meeting. One of the non-payers is the developer who is supposed to be paying the fees of all the unlicensed houses, he owes about €9000, 2 houses owe over €800 each and the gardening company who look after the grounds haven't been paid for 2 months! I bet all these houses vistitors and owners will want to use the pool in the summer though which WE are paying for!!! They just might be in for a surprise. So it was decided that legal proceedings will now be started against ALL the non-payers.