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06 Jan 2007 12:00 AM by wlk Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Soon to be new resident..

Is anybody else concernd about the log cabin (post office block for all apartments in los collados) in the communial gardens in front of block 2 . We feel a lot of negative issues regarding this hut. i.e. who is paying for upkeep etc.. please reply any concerns.

Regards Alicia

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06 Jan 2007 7:55 PM by wlk Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message


I know I spelt ugly wrong haha now can we move on THANK YOU




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24 Jan 2007 9:37 AM by losolivosbelair Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

I am also concered about this hut, it seems to have been imposed on us before we can have any say, ie before our community is set up, a case of over devolved democracy I think!

It was originaly a sales office and should have been removed along with the concrete steps up there by the developers.

It is in fact quite rediculous to have this carbuncle (complements to the prince) at the top of the garden, and it could become quite a nuicance with loitering youths or even a botellion plus the probable litter and noise issue.

I would be interested to know how the people who have it right at the end of their garden feel about it. If they were looking to sell this property it could cause them a bit of a problem.

I was told by the developers that this was the solution the the post delivery problems but I think they must expect us all to be a bit stupid to accept this and I for one can see other more suitable places especially for a pensioner like me with all the usual hip and knee problems.

Hopefully we have a strong community and can get good support for this to turned into garden as it should be.

Look forward to meeting you all at the first meeting.




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26 Jan 2007 12:47 PM by Happy bunny Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I have recentley completed on my property and have spent some time there getting a feel for the place.

I really do not understand the big issue here.  The hut is not costing anything to any community on the complex.

Due to the high amount of properties on Los Collados the Correos (spanish mail company) will not deliver to every apartment individually. Can you blame them,?

Without this hut we will be sacrificing our ability to receive mail.   The area it sits in is a communal garden area already. There are worse eyesores on the site than this. At least this one serves a valuable purpose.

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28 Jan 2007 2:13 PM by losolivosbelair Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Dear Happy Bunny

I have to say I am a little disappointed with your reply to my posting about 'the shed' in our communal garden.  I have reservedly expressed some of my concerns about this 'thing' and I am surprised that anyone can think it is o.k.

You are making it easy for the Developer, whose responisiblity it is , to provide proper mailbox facilities. It should not be for us to argue as to whether it should be stuck in our faces.

To say that removing this hut sacrificies our ability to receive mail is totally wrong.:- for instance it would not be a major task to remove the whole thing to the bottom of the steps and to rebuild it there, where it offends no-one. Alternatively the mail boxes could be built into the wall opposite the garage entrance in the curved block with some attractive tiles decorating and dividing the individual sections. In this case it would look like most other community mailbox stations in Spain. This is the usual method and in fact, no-one expects individual delivery to each apartment, [you don't even get that luxury in England].

Anyway that is just two alternatives and I am sure there are other equally viable solutions.

I know, from past experience, that in a community like ours some issues affect some people more than others, but if we support each other we will achieve more especially when dealing with Developers who don't want to do anything for you, if they can get away with it.

I hope you can appreciate my feelings on this matter.




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02 Feb 2007 9:02 AM by 3sl Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

I saw this thread on a general forum & thought you might understand why the hurt is necessary after reading this about someone elses experience with the postal service.  SEE BELOW

That, Roberto, is something I've always been concerned about. We DO have mail boxes sited almost opposite us by the communal pool but the Correos won't deliver to them as they are insisting they are re-sited at the end of our road. We have to go to the Correos to retrieve any mail at the moment. As they will only hold it for two weeks (I think it is !) then return it to sender we have never had any mail. Once the boxes are re-sited we could ask our keyholder to open our box & check, not that we expect anything. We've noticed each time someone has a delivery from Garcia's in Torrevieja the lads try to put  brochures in the boxes. Lately they've been leaving a stack on top of the wall. 

I sent a letter to a friend in Benijofar just after they had their post boxes organised (Previously Brenda had gone to the Correos in Benijofar or maybe it was Rojales, I forget, for her mail) & it was delivered to a neighbour's post box. This neighbour bought their property to rent out & are never there & she eventually was handed my letter 15 months later after the owners went to Spain to see their home & checked their box !

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02 Feb 2007 5:25 PM by glider Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


      I believe that the 'Hut' will stay there ready to be used as a sales office on the next phase of developemen,unless anybody knows for sure that we were the last phase!!

If not, I consider that post boxes at the gararge entrance would be fine.How do we jointly let the developer know our views?

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03 Feb 2007 12:07 PM by losolivosbelair Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hello Glider

I personaly doubt that the developers would want to use this hut again as I don´t think it was used for the last two years or so.

They actually moved their sales office to the basement of the Aparthotel and I am sure it is better for them there.

The conversion of this hut into a post room could be as a result of a collusion between the developers and the president "or presidennts" of one of the other communities. It´s an easy decision for them as we are not yet in a position to have any input and I think it is an insult to think we will just accept it.

Of course the developers are happy with it as it saves them having to build something for us as is their responsibility and the other communities don´t have the inconvenience of having to live with it.

Unfortunately we are just individuals at the present time and all we can do is complain individualy, hopefully we can get enough like minded people to attend the first community meeting and common sense can prevail.

Thanks for your reply 



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03 Feb 2007 8:01 PM by wlk Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hello Everyone

Has anyone realised threre is a toilet in this hut !! I dont know about anyone else but I dont fancy picking post up when someone has used the toilet. We also noticed that there was graffiti all over the decarative table and chairs in front of the hut.

Good luck to us all 

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