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06 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by simonsells Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

if anyone can answer, why are there no for sale boards on condado?



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06 Jan 2010 12:47 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Simon it against the Statutes to display any signs or boards

1. Owing to the aesthetic conditions that prevail for the high-level
standing of the complex, the installation of signs and advertising is of
whatsoever size on the fronts, rears or sides of any of the residential
buildings that are built is strictly prohibited. This prohibition excludes
the commercial or tertiary buildings, where the installation of signs and
advertising is subject exclusively to the fulfilment of the applicable local

Article 5 b
In order to guarantee the harmony and welfare of the members of the association: 1. The homeowners are expressly obliged not to modify the exterior aesthetic conditions of the buildings. Accordingly, no modifications may be made to the fronts, exterior volumes, colour or materials used, spaces, canopies, roofs or towers. Furthermore, the porches or terraces may not be closed off and TV or radio aerials or whatsoever exterior telecommunication mechanism or other similar element may not be installed. Clothes may not be hung on the fronts of the buildings or on the plot in an area that is visible from the roadways and no posters or signs may be installed, all with regard to the content of the photographs incorporated into the certificate of occupancy.




This message was last edited by danseex on 06/01/2010.

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06 Jan 2010 1:02 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Except that we have all seen that there are some odd alterations made to pergola's and there are several SKY dishes- there's a big one visible in the corner of Jardin 8 in the Jardines. There are also a few ground floor apartments with advertising hordings platered around their rear patio doors. All this has been there a while now and I dont see Presidents or RPM doing a thing about them. The longer they are in place the more likely others are to follow and the harder it gets to have people remove things. I have also seen one or two apartments with the traditional black wrought iron grills on windows and doors. I actually like these but understand that they are not in keeping with the 'rules' of the resort- yet nothing is done. I'm sure if I added something that cost me a fair amount of money there would have to be a big legal tussle to persuade me to remove it- I imagine that would cost the resort money. Is this why people aren't being encourgaged to adhere to the rule book by RPM?

Same goes for the dog walking as well- apparently there are guidelines for keeping dogs on leads but I know not all owners do that and even let them into the pool areas.

I'm not sure I see how the resort rules can be enforced.



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06 Jan 2010 8:23 PM by simonsells Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

ok thanks , but theres always one ,or two,three ........

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07 Jan 2010 11:24 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Not sure I follow your thinking Simon- do you mean there's always someone who will start something off, then another.....

Otherwise I'd add that there are many Se Vende signs in windows- so I suppose they are the same as 'for sale' signs they just dont protrude from the building



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07 Jan 2010 1:02 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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The community inspector has taken a note of all of all the apartments with signs up.  RPM will be mailing all the owners next week telling them to remove them.










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09 Jan 2010 12:45 PM by simonsells Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

yes tony thats what i meant mate,

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11 Jan 2010 10:42 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message


The community inspector has taken a note of all of all the apartments with signs up.  RPM will be mailing all the owners next week telling them to remove them.


Hi Phil,

I love your optimism my friend but I get the feeling RPM are a dog with no teeth. They can bark and bark and bark but they won't bite. How on earth would they go about 'forcing' an owner to remove something their inspector didn't feel was appropriate or not in keeping with the developement? 


Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...

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11 Jan 2010 11:12 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi WW, Just reporting the facts my friend, just reporting the facts.

Like you I'm not too optimistic that anything will happen, but RPM tell me they will be contacting the owners, which is the correct first step to take, so I would hope that most will get the message and take them down.  Guess we will have to wait and see.










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