The Comments |
For the attention of anyone due to complete in the near future, I have just been reading that as from January 07 any new builds ground floor level, have to have window grills fitted by the builder, any ground floor owners due to complete may want to check this out, not sure Iberian/Atlas would give this information freely. Good luck, Regards Stan and Diane
Diane and Stan 
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Hi All
I have emailed Atlas and my solicitor querying the change in Spanish law where builders have to fit grilles to Ground Floor New Builds I will let you know in due course .If anyone can email me the Article which stated this I would appreciate it as nothing ventured , nothing gained .
Mervyn & Maura
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Hello everyone,
I have just spoken with Iberian International this afternoon and they say there is no law passed that says they have to fit grills to ground floor propertys, it is the builders choice. Sorry but CBB are not one of those builders.
Only 10 days til we are over to complete. Can't wait.
M & T
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
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Hi All
Got the reply from Atlas The law only applies to drawings for developments submitted to the Town Hall after the 1st January 07 . The Olivia drawings where submitted in 2006 and therefore if you want grilles you have to fit them yourself
didnt think we would win this one .
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Good luck Martin and Tracey on your impending trip, we would be interested to hear how you got on if that is possible, snagging lists, time scales etc. Hope you find everything okay and have a brilliant time in your new property,
best wishes,
Stan and Diane
Diane and Stan 
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Thanks for that Diane.
Apparently we will meet with Iberian on the Monday( could be interesting ) then to the solicitors and then Arca, not sure why we need to go to Arca as we have arranged the furniture ourselves. Wednesday meeting and completion with the Notary.
Will take plenty of photo's and see if we can get any answers about the pool. Kev is fitting our grills and we hope to get our sky tv installed asap.
Looking forward to taking a look at home and the village in more detail.
Adios for now, be in touch soon.
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
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Thanks for the message Martin and Tracey, you say that you have arranged your furniture yourself, I am still argueing with myself as to the best thing to do and where to get it from, have you gone for a package elswhere, we were thinking of maybe getting the free package and then replacing it at our leisure once we have found our way around, only thing is I know if we go to arca we will be tempted to update and I really would then kick myself as I am sure we could do better elsewhere. dilemas dilemas.
We still have not had our completion letter although an update says all completed but water and elec installation.
Looking forward to see if you get any info on the pool, I am begnning to wonder if there ever will be a pool!
Stan and Diane
Diane and Stan 
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We have used our voucher at Arca which really surprised us as to how much we got for our money. One of the sales girls in Arca told us not to upgrade as the furniture is very similar bar colour. We have chosen spotlights, all white goods, TV, DVD, mattresses kitchen accessories, bathroom set, extractors, microwave and lots more.
We will furnish the apartment at Ikea whilst we are over there. Been there a few times and it is exactly the same stock as England. We anticipate to fully furnish in and outside the apartment for approx 2K.
The latest water and electric connection charge is 540euros. This im lead to believe is greatly higher than phase 1 connection charges, but there's nothing we can do.
Have you had your liquidation letter yet, we got IB to e-mail that to us for the breakdown of costs.
Happy to help if need any further info,
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
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Hi All,
Furniture, now theres a dilema.. We did the same as Martin & Tracey, we used our vouchers in Arca to buy beds, bedroom furniture, all lighting, bathroom accessories and a door bell!!! We then went off and did our own thing. We bought stuff from Gracias (another massive furniture company - right by Carefour in Torrie) and loads from Carefour. There are also loads of sofa stores which sell suites and other bits of furniture at very reasonable prices. Have a look around the outskirts of Los Montesinos towards Torrie, there are a few furniture stores there. There is also a great furniture store in Big Astro (top of the hill on the way to Torrie) as well as a great light shop (but both are on the expensive side).
They only word of caution which we found to our cost was that if you buy your hob from Arca, they will cut the hole in the worksurface to fit it for you - no-one else will!! I ended up borrowing a jig saw a doing it myself the day before the hob was delivered.
One good thing to note is that wherever you buy your stuff from, they will deliver, build and fit (except cutting worksurfaces) all in the price. Obviously this all takes time, it took us about 10 days to get it all sorted as the furniture was coming from about 8 different places, but if you have the time ie you have rented an apartment to stay in prior to moving in, then it is time and money well spent...
Hope this helps,
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Martin and Tracey,
Thanks for all the info just one more thing what do you mean by liquidation letter? and any surprises with the costs . Ikea sounds like a very good idea.
Craig, also thank you for the info especially regarding the hob, I suppose really we are not in any rush to furnish it, so should spend time shopping around, em sounds like fun, can't wait thats if the dam completion letter ever arrives,, have taken note of all the places you suggested.
again thanks for all the info, it always gives food for thought,
Looking forward to meeting everyone,
Diane and Stan 
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The liquidation letter is your breakdown of costs. Without this your solicitor can't complete on your property.
No surprises apart from Iberian trying to charge us for services i.e. NIE numbers. We did NIE opened bank account etc ourselves, so they can whistle for that money.
Will take some pics on my visit,
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
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