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Bosque de las Lomas 28 forum threads
The Comments
23 Jan 2007 12:00 AM by Howy Star rating in Bury, Lancs. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hello all

Please circulate this forum to as many people in our community as posible, so we can use it as a method of communication.

We have just returned and i have posted some pics of the ( So called pool area ).

Dose anyone have any info about:

  1. Time for completion of pool?
  2. Is any one any closer with the dates for collection of deeds?
  3. When are the post boxes being fitted?
  4. When are the gates being fitted to Raquel access road?
  5. When is the road to be finished?
  6.  First AGM?
  7. What is going into the commercial block?
  8. When is the lights and gates being powered up?
  9. Has anyone seen the plans for the pool area, are the new fligth of steps the access to the pool for the Sara properties?


                                                          Dave and Deb   ( 7a )

Dave and Kids No.15

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02 Feb 2007 1:08 PM by topsy Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi  No 7B

We are asking the same questions and have sent an email this week to the builders Tecnologia Urbanistica Group

Customer Care Dept (thats a laugh)

No reply as yet.

We have had a call from Ron and Chris at 5A they are feeling very frustrated as some have deed problems.

There is some talk that the builder has serious financial problems and the company is being taken over  by

Tabisan (the builders relation) 

Anyone any news on that subject.

Where do we go from here.   We are back out there the end of March, to what we dont know. 

We just want the community completed with gates swimming pool etc.

Kind regards

Tom & Sylvia  No 7B




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25 Apr 2009 5:37 PM by pkvenus Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tom & Sylvia,

I've just posted a new thread under Bosque de las Lomas 2 where I was directed by EOS to your thread where it looks like it's not a well used forum for B-d-l-L 2 owners.

Is there another forum that's more active for B-d-l-L 2 owners?

FYI my thread info is below.



Hi all,

I'm sort of new to the forum where I replied to the Atlas International Again thread a few days ago then notice this Introduce yourself thread.

I must say what a great forum this is with help already from Mark@TRG & Fly380.........thanks guys!

Just wanted to know if any EOS forum members are residents or own a property on Bosque De Las Lomas 2 ?

My cousin kindly left his townhouse to us in his Will over 3 years ago, where for various legal reasons [still on-going] we have only visited during two quick visits to the area. The last was over 18 months ago where I believe the development or part of it was still on builders water & electric and certain parts of the development were unfinished.

Could someone update us please as to the current state of the development?

To be honest we don't really understand what being on builders water etc really means and how you get off it.............any explanations would be greatly appreciated.

Once the legal stuff gets sorted [if ever!!!!] we really look forward to some happy times. 

Looking forward to any replies.

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