Burglaries on Mojon Hills

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27 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by _mike_ Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

We have a villa on Phase 3. During the last month at least 8 of the villas have been broken into, at least one villa on two occasions. We ourselves were burgled this last week. We have rejas on all doors and windows and assumed that was enough of a deterrent. We have also have people staying at the house for a month until last week which seems to suggest that someone is taking an interest in the comings and goings at the villas. So far no one has seen or heard anything and the police are not very interested. Can I ask everyone to be vigilant around the quieter areas of the development and see if we can stop the apparent ease with which the thieves are helping themselves?

Many thanks


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29 Aug 2011 8:08 AM by Rohanna Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

 Hello.Sorry to hear about your bad luck. We have bougth an apartement in fase 3  but we have´nt  heard about   the burgler in the area.Did they destroyed a lot? What  did  they took? I wonder how they could operate so no one in the  neaborhood suspekts anything? How did they get in to the house? Very sorry for your problems and I hope thate we together can prenvent this to happend in the future.  Best regards/R


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10 Sep 2011 1:18 PM by Beebop Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message


3 Villas on Phase 1 have also been broken into and vandalised on Thursday Sept 8th

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18 Sep 2011 9:50 PM by _mike_ Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message


Our house wasn’t vandalised. They didn’t break anything. They took the tv and some inexpensive jewellery we left there, they also took some of the alcohol we had in the house. We now have an alarm and have had our rejas soldered which was how they got in to the house. Very sad to hear of further burglaries.

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20 Sep 2011 8:34 AM by tonysurrey Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

I have a villa on mojon and have grill fitted but am now looking at a monitored alarm with camera? Has anyone had one of these fitted and had it been a good enough deterrent? Cost is about 899 euro and 35 euros a month to monitor?

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24 Sep 2011 11:26 AM by eddie1960 Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

 Hi All iam really sad to hear of all the break ins especially to pat and brian,  i know it seems it  a bit harsh but maybe   all the  phases  should  come together and have a meeting  to try and stop this,  one suggestion   i have although would cost money but would  give us all  peace of mind  would be  a gated  community  with  1  entrance     and security guard  24hours     , if owners are   letting  out property  to   inform  security  of names  staying   who would then   give them  a  entrance card i know it like a fortress  but its not  a nice thing to come home  and find your place trashed etc it happened to myself and tina  in our home here in ireland  where  we live in the country   there is no  crime upsetting. If we cant get  this  done  maybe even if we  contribute  to  a 24hours seven days a week  , charge say 10 -15€  per villa per week  for  2 security guards  on foot patrol  i'd  do it  haha looking forward to all replies and  going  out  again best wishes to all



This message was last edited by eddie1960 on 24/09/2011.

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25 Sep 2011 8:11 PM by tonysurrey Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Gated or guarded would be good but getting everyone to agree and pay would be a nightmare. Anyone care to take up the challenge??
Should get Atlantia involved as they have lots of unsold units and need to shift them.

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27 Sep 2011 11:09 AM by Beebop Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message


Hi Tony i do agree with you but must say when phase 1 was being built Atlantia had a security guard on at night, every night at 8.00pm when he came on he went straight to the bar had a few Brandy’s then went to his van and slept, i know because i was there and when we came back at night we would sound our horn and put the lights on main beam to scare the Sh** out of him, The best would be to have CCTV but not sure how this would work out . I do agree all the phases should contribute but can’t see this happening


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28 Sep 2011 3:44 PM by eddie1960 Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

 Hi everyone

i got this email  from this company this morning who were reading about our  problemi dont know whether it will  help anyone   iam out on the  8/10 so if anyone out there then hope to see as follows : Hi EddieThank you for your e.mail. I have attached you some photos of our standard wrought iron
security grilles what we install on communities at cost effective prices.
 If you put me on your forum and i see some interest, i can do a deal
for two bed & three bed properties and also single openings if required.
 We are also specialists in perimeter fencing but obviously its all
down to the funds your community would like to spend in these
very difficult times.
 If you would like any more information regarding our products please
do not hesitate to contact me
Kindest RegardsLloyd Petherbridge

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28 Sep 2011 10:38 PM by top3 Star rating in Mojon Hills Phase 3B.... 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone i Mojon Hills

Following the discussion I see no solution in installing rejas nor  "installing"  a security guard. He would probably soon make an arrangement with the burglars and share the profit.

If the burglars cannot  drive into the area, they will soon deselect the area.

Possible  idea:

Who needs to use the roads in the area except the owners, people who rents, builders, service- and maintenance people. Nobody !!

The access roads to the Mojon Hills area could be equipped with gates, which only can be opened by an electronic card. Builders, service- and maintenance people must then pick up the card at  i.e. Peppelinos. The person then must sign when arriving and leaving the area and show identification such as ID card. The access gates must be installed at 2 locations in the roundabouts in both ends of the avenue. The grass area in the middle of the road must then be equipped with low barriers .The installation costs must be divided between the apartments and villas in the area and must also include the apartments not sold yet. Their shares must be payed by the developer. The area might contain the phases 2, 3a, 3b and 4 plus some villas behind phase 2.

But in the meantíme - if you see any suspect persons at the buildings - note their license plates and / or just confront them  and ask what justifies their presence. And ask them to show the key for the door. In spanish it would be like:

¿qué estás haciendo aquí? =  what are you doing here?

muéstrame la llave de la casa / apartamento = show me the key to the villa / apartment




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29 Sep 2011 3:25 PM by eddie1960 Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

  I 2nd  that opinion :

i think  we on same  wave length

I think  that s   agreat idea  although  i would be  alittle worried   about  the ground  next to  villas  i think  its  council   so that would have to be sorted out  i think the barrier  could  be  a litlle  higher    as  with the pools, maybe a good idea  for  the presedenta of ea phase come together    and email ea owner to find out the opinion  then have  a meeting   to decide,    does anyone  know about getting prices for this    i agree that gate and not electronic lift up barriers as they can be  driven through  i hope we all sort htis  problem out i believe it in everyones interest  whether or not full resident     renting   ' letting  or personal use as  it would stop there being any interest    in all of the above , also developers interest as well if they  wants sales  as people  wont buy in to a place with problems look forward your replies




This message was last edited by eddie1960 on 29/09/2011.

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04 Jan 2012 10:11 PM by maypand Star rating in Norway. 9 forum posts Send private message

maypand´s avatar

Hey, we're going to spain in late January to sign the contract on either a villa or apartment in Mojon Hills. We had originally planned to buy a villa, but has been a little frightened to hear that there are so many who have been robbed. We have a daughter of 7 months and it would be scary to meet on a burgar at night. are you still bothered by being robbed?

Sounds a lot safer to buy an apartment.

From Norway :)

- May

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05 Jan 2012 12:24 AM by peewak Star rating in Liverpool, UK and Mo.... 12 forum posts Send private message


Signed for my Villa on phase 3 at the start of september and have not had a single problem with it. I have installed extra securty on all windows because the locks that are already on them are not very good as i found out when i locked myself out and it took only seconds for 1 of the local workers to just open the window for me. There is a DIY store at the bottom of the hll that does sell the right locks for your windows. Other than that i would not worry as the police are always in the area of a night.




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05 Jan 2012 8:56 AM by maypand Star rating in Norway. 9 forum posts Send private message

maypand´s avatar

Hey Peter,

Thanks for the reply. I also believe the thieves do not choose villas with alarm and additional locks. Yet it feels more secure with an apartment:-p I've heard that the police do not care very much.

Happy New Year
! ^ _ ^

- May

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10 Jan 2012 10:21 PM by totanachick Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I run a rental company here in Puerto de Mazarrón, and we found the police to be very helpful when a couple of our owner´s villas were burgled, however I do speak spanish and I am sure that that has a lot to do with it. The Guardia came out, took Scene of crime photos, took away evidence and fingerprinted the windows and frames where the thieves had gained access.

Always worth reporting, as the more people report the break-ins, the more the police are aware of the scale of the problem and will begin to take it seriously.. please do report it!

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12 Jan 2012 8:56 PM by bestagent Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

 Hi All,

we completed an apartment on Phase 4B a few months ago and haven´t had a single problem, we have recomended to one of our relatives and got some extra cash for that.

Now that this phase is almost completed we are expecting the community to meet and discuss further, Mojón is the best choice out in Spain, no doubt.


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13 Jan 2012 11:16 AM by top3 Star rating in Mojon Hills Phase 3B.... 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everybody

Friends - living in the area for several years - tell that all new residential areas are visited by burglars after the area is almost filled with new owners. Then there is plenty of new equipment to take away, and the communities are not yet prepared to avoid burglars. Therefore Phase 4 might be the next target for the smart guys.


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13 Jan 2012 3:26 PM by totanachick Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I´d agree, as soon as the terrace lights are fitted and there are signs of occupation, ours were hit. Don´t be complacent and fit shutter locks and window locks as a minimum, check your insurance too, as some policies are not valid of you have no protection at all, as some of our owners found out to their cost.

Don´t deny it is a beautiful place, but use your common sense please!


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