Long term let Required June-Sept 2012

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29 Apr 2012 1:43 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

 Can anybody help out?


I have a client looking for a furnished 3 bedroom Villa/apartment on Hacienda del Alamo to let from June to September 2012 and I don't have anything available for those dates.

If you have a property available for this period please message me or give me a call on the contact number below.



Tom www.murciavillashda.com

Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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03 May 2012 12:00 AM by garry riding Star rating in Bury, Lancs. 34 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tom

What about my apartment Tom (El Oasis) 3 bed 2 bath.

We are there 21st to 28th June, nothing after at present.



Garry El Oasis - Hacienda Del Alamo

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04 May 2012 7:26 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

HI Gary,

Have been at HDA all week and saw the frontage of EL OASIS for the first time .

It is magnificent.

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04 May 2012 11:11 PM by garry riding Star rating in Bury, Lancs. 34 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ricky

Yes it is, if I ever get to meet you sir I will show you round !!

We are over 21st to 28th June next.

Take care mate,


Garry El Oasis - Hacienda Del Alamo

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04 May 2012 11:44 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Hi Garry,

Will take you up on that.Won't be able to get out for a few months but you should have a great time,Drew is having a street party  on the 21st at the Academy.The village  has a lot of work going on and Kennerlys pub is looking well on its way and a big shop on a corner is also coming along,it could be the supermarket or the chemist. All in all things are looking good.

Take care,


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05 May 2012 12:16 PM by garry riding Star rating in Bury, Lancs. 34 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ricky, we have an early flight so I will attend the street party no problem!!

Thanks for letting me know sir !


Garry El Oasis - Hacienda Del Alamo

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05 May 2012 1:48 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message



Thanks for your help on this, I have now found accomodation for this customer.

Ricky if you are still at HDA and watching the football in the Spaniard give me a shout and say Hello.








Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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05 May 2012 3:14 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tom,

We are now back in London and it's pouring of rain and freezing.

Did see a black van driving around resort but you passed by and couldn't see who was drtiving.

Next time we are over will let you know.

Keep us informed about whats going on.

Regards Ricky

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