I live in village near Alcoy, and for some time now have been receiving what I considered to be, excessive water bills. I took it upon myself to carry out some checks on my consumption rates. Using a 1000 liter container, and having isolated all other water outlets, I read the water meter and proceeded to fill the container with a hosepipe.
By this method, I was able to obtain figures to compare with the meter readings. Once the container was full (1000litres), I calculated the water flow rate (38.5l/min), and read the meter again. The meter indicated a draw-off of 1300 litres (1.3 m3). I am going to take a further reading tonight before going to bed, and another when I get up in the morning. This will tell me if I have any leaks on my side of the meter.
Q1. Should my concerns be verified and my meter is not correctly calibrated, is there a government 'ombudsman' in Spain that I can report this matter to? ( The supplier has proved to be somewhat 'cavalier' in the past when I have complained about frequent interuptions to my supply.)
Q2. What is the chance of obtaining a rebate from the responsible supplier, and what is the best way to go about it?
I would appreciate any advise/help from anyone who may have had similar problems.