Hello everybody,
Over recent years we have come across many people in Andalucia who could not get their money after giving a deposit in order to buy a house. Some of them with final judgments requiring to the developers their money back (when normally the promoters have already broken), others without bank guarantee and a few who have decided to give back their homes in exchange for ridiculous amounts. All of them unresolved.
Martínez-Echevarría has obteined some months ago the first sentence which forces the bank to refund the money plus interests to our client (who has not bank guarantee). We believe the bank is the direct responsible for the return of such deposit, not the promoters and the court support us in this theory.
This ensures the return of deposits, besides the interests and the costs of the proceedings.
If you want to be informed about the successful process we carried out, we are at your disposal on the phone (+34) 690 222 097
Here you cand find attached the relief of the sentence (march 27th 2013)
Que ESTIMANDO la demanda interpuesta xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, representado por el Procurador LOURDES RUIZ ROJO contra BANCO POPULAR ESPAÑOL SA, debo condenar y condeno a la demandada a abonar a la actora la suma de DISCIENTOS CUARENTA Y TRES MIL OCHOCIENTOS SIETE EUROS CON CINCUENTA Y TRES CENTIMOS (243.807,53 euros) más los intereses legales devengados desde el momento en que fueron entregadas dichas cantidades, es decir, 15 de abril de 2003, hasta su completo pago y la expresa condena en costas