Informative General Meeting - August 13 for Condado groups Jardines I and Jardines II

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14 Aug 2013 6:30 PM by gabecooney Star rating in London, Herts & Jard.... 89 forum posts Send private message

So after reading so many complaints on both EOS and FB over this past year on how things are run at Condado, I thought rather than listen to rumours, I would attend this specially scheduled owners meeting to enable us to discuss any matters good or bad direct with the management.
The publicised agenda included summaries of current activities, financial information re spending and budgets, projects planned for the future, followed by an open questions and answers forum to discuss and/or challenge matters like security, cleaning, gardening, Internet provision, lighting, water distribution, commercial units, noise, utilities and budgets etc. Basically everything I've read about here on so many threads.

Due to specific requests from owners last year, it was decided and advised as far back as November 2012 that the date would be August 13 to meet the demands of those non resident owners a lot of whom would most likely be here on summer holidays. Because of the expected numbers, the meeting was duplicated into morning and afternoon sessions to accomodate the two usual groups of Jardines I and Jardines II to allow all of the owners from gardens 1 through to 13 being able to attend.
Emails were sent, invitations were sent, reminders were sent and notices were posted in the windows of Mileniun offices and the supermarket amongst other places. And so I left in plenty of time to make sure I would not miss out on such an opportunity to attend such a meeting.

And what a splendid building the CIDES was and only about a 10 minute drive down the road. Having passed through security I was directed to a large air conditioned room with comfortable seating for at least 160 people, superb lighting and acoustics with a stage for the committee and in addition, three if not four language translators hired for the day along with earpieces and microphones given on entry. A very professional setup indeed and no doubt paid for out of our community fees.
The stage seated 6 people including representatives from Mileniun, the accountants, the committee and a representative in place of the Level 1 president who could not attend the meeting.
It was the perfect opportunity to raise all of the questions and complaints I've read about on here on so many occasions. Boy was this going to be interesting I thought!

So after a brief conversation with one of the committee, everyone was now in place and the scene was set and proceedings commenced with a welcoming speech. I listened carefully to the translations in my earpiece whilst watching speakers accompanied with demonstrations, pictures and copies of accounts and spendings, all projected at the back of the stage.
Everything was explained in detail and questions were invited of which I dutifully obliged by asking particulars on debts to the accountants which in turn they were happy to delve into even greater detail with explanations on figures that were not shown but when contributed answered my question and made somewhat sense. Later in the meeting I asked questions too about the Internet contracts and again this was answered professionally and efficiently and I was happy with the information in the answers I was given.

All in all I have to say that everyone including the representatives from Mileniun whom so many like to moan about, conducted the meeting in a very professional manner and were all more than proficient and forthcoming with their information and answers to the questions, albeit that not too many were raised. In fact under the circumstances, I think their attitude was commendable!
Under what circumstances you might ask?
Well if you read the attendance figures below you might just understand.

Morning Informative General Meeting for Jardines I (first group)
English 0
Scottish 0
Welsh 0
Irish 0
Spanish 8
Others 0

Afternoon Informative General Meeting for Jardines II (second group)
English 0
Scottish 0
Welsh 0
Irish 1 - that's me
Spanish 4
Others 0

Yes that's correct, no presidents, no people, no complaints, no problems and no suggestions of improvements, so I guess we should all feel blessed and so very lucky to be part of such a wonderful community.
And no I won't be reading any more complaints on these forums.
I guess everyone here was just too damn busy enjoying our lovely resort.
Ant life great.

If the people around you don't change then change the people around you....

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14 Aug 2013 6:48 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks for the post Gabe!

I would have been there but a little thing like UK work got in the way. I did tell ML I couldnt make it and would have assumed that they would have read out apologies received for none attendance but maybe not.

I am staggered with the attendance and apathy though regrads the resort, especially after the rants on FB and EOS about how bad it all is etc etc etc..

I am over on the 28th August and hope to catch up with everyone over a beer..



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14 Aug 2013 7:03 PM by Quoile Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi Gabe,
Such a pity the attendance was so poor. We purchased in Jardin1 just last year and have visited a few times to setup and furnish apartment .We holidayed last month had a really lovely time and will be back last week in August. We were not aware of this meeting but obviously could not have been present. I often log into EOS just to get a feel of what's going on in CDA. I'm disappointed to hear about all the theft thats happened and its difficult to comprehend how this is going unnoticed. It is such a shame.
We are also from Ireland and by the way it's raining here!

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15 Aug 2013 5:07 PM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

kev1´s avatar
A reassuring post Gabe. Other than the attendance everything seemed to have gone well? Whilst we are not part of the Jardines we have owned on CDA for 6 years now having purchased our property off plan. The resort has gone from strength to strength thanks to the efforts of the residents, the business owners and Ml. Last year we were getting dire warnings about ML from certain quarters with 'wait and see' comments, etc. The fact is the resort just gets better. Over here at the moment and the only problem really is the golf course lakes which are a joke. The place is buzzing and everyone having a great time. The fiesta starts tomorrow which we are looking forward to. Well done ML - keep it up!

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15 Aug 2013 5:07 PM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

kev1´s avatar
A reassuring post Gabe. Other than the attendance everything seemed to have gone well? Whilst we are not part of the Jardines we have owned on CDA for 6 years now having purchased our property off plan. The resort has gone from strength to strength thanks to the efforts of the residents, the business owners and Ml. Last year we were getting dire warnings about ML from certain quarters with 'wait and see' comments, etc. The fact is the resort just gets better. Over here at the moment and the only problem really is the golf course lakes which are a joke. The place is buzzing and everyone having a great time. The fiesta starts tomorrow which we are looking forward to. Well done ML - keep it up!

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15 Aug 2013 6:29 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Though it would have been impossible for either Ham or I to attend this meeting. It would have been nice to know that there was one. Maybe the lack of interest was due to no one receiving any notification

Can you enlighten me re the date the said email was sent as I cannot find anything on my long list & though Ham has 100`s of the devils. (Emails) I cannot find anything thereeither





This message was last edited by hamibabe on 15/08/2013.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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15 Aug 2013 8:01 PM by petercbeck Star rating in Reigate via Wales & .... 65 forum posts Send private message

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I received mine on July 30th

I still have it if anyone wants a copy



Peter & Pam - Jardines 1

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15 Aug 2013 8:55 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Good Evening PB.

I( will check my emails again later. (Making Xmas cards @ the moment & yes I know its only August) If I cannot find anything I will get back to you for a copy


Jan smiley


This message was last edited by hamibabe on 15/08/2013.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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16 Aug 2013 10:08 AM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

We are here and would have gone but received no e mail...... Thanks or the update. We are also very happy with the way the resort is going from strength to strength - a really good atmosphere this year and a lot less moaning Minnie's!

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16 Aug 2013 10:10 AM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

Oooh sorry just realised that the meeting was not for jardine 8 so we would not have received a note - sorry!

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16 Aug 2013 10:20 AM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message

Yep - strength to strength!!! - With the neighbourly violence, the robberies and the musical bar wars, you will soon reach Camposol standards!!!

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16 Aug 2013 10:21 AM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

kev1´s avatar
The meeting was for all the Jardines apparently...1 through 13.

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16 Aug 2013 11:53 AM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

Would of loved to have come, but yet again no invitation
As for Elerado keep your negative points to yourself

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18 Aug 2013 1:47 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Finally got round to searching for email re the meeting.

Like many others, neither Ham or I recieved an email. Something is slipping re admin in the ML office me thinks.



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 18/08/2013.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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18 Aug 2013 5:07 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

We were on the resort and due to misinformation were in Mazarron(should have gone to Alhama altho' that office was shut) trying to get an unnecessary Padron for buying a car. But I had contacted our President to ask if they would raise a matter- and I got a response. I'm sad to read no Presidents attended.


This message was last edited by Jann on 18/08/2013.



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18 Aug 2013 9:00 PM by gabecooney Star rating in London, Herts & Jard.... 89 forum posts Send private message

Just to put the record straight folks, I was so NOT trying to make anyone feel guilty for not turning up to the meetings and/or proportion blame to administration or whomever for folk not receiving the emails and/or not seeing the posters in the supermarket, Mileniun office windows and even in the pool gardens. The fact of the matter is I attended because I wanted to see and hear for myself what all the fuss was about over the past year after reading so much moaning and complaining on here and FB.

To save any confusion for those who might not understand, Jardines I and Jardines II are the two group splits from all Jardines 1 through to 13. No-one had to attend the meeting, it was not obligatory and yes I understand some folk, even presidents have commitments and would not be available for numerous reasons. This again is none of my concern. At the end of the day I went, I listened, I questioned, I learnt and I came back from the meeting as informed as one could be and am in general quite happy at how matters are being managed and how my fees are being spent. It is a mammoth task and I respect the work that the current administration do along with that of presidents old and new.

As I'm sure many of you know and understand yes of course there is always room for improvement in any business. However, unless one voices their opinions, views, complaints or even suggestions via the correct authorities its a waste of their time, especially when given the opportunity like we all had last week. Personally I'll be treating most of the complaints I read from now on as rumours and gossip.

Condado de Alhama may not be paradise, maybe it is for some, but it is what you make of it and is strategically placed to allow you to see other cultural areas of Spain that otherwise you wouldn't have the chance to visit and indulge. Enjoy!.

If the people around you don't change then change the people around you....

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18 Aug 2013 11:13 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Understand your comments and at least you were able to attend the meeting, however- disappointed that Presidents didnt attend to represent owners. Holiday time in Spain as we learnt to our cost.

This message was last edited by Jann on 19/08/2013.



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19 Aug 2013 8:31 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

A point has been made on FB that for many residents and the Presidents that date and time was always going to be difficult as so many of them would have been working. As an informative General Meeting and not an AGM it was an opportunity  for owners to raise issues.

Will be interested to see the minutes as have wondered what will eventually happen regarding A2Z's contract- if anything



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19 Aug 2013 8:52 AM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

I am sure that if the invites had been sent to everyone there would have been a much better attendance. I'd love to know how they sent the e mails to everyone. We receive with no problem the update e mail from millennium - perhaps in future it would be worth using that address listing.

One of us would definitely have attended the meeting if we had been sent the information. I do not use the supermarket I site and had no reason to visit millenium either so did not see any notices.

Thanks though gabbecooney for updating us - it was good to know.

As a learning curve it might be more cost effective for millenium to ask for confirmation of attendance rather than apologies for non attendance! They could have hired a small room for just a morning session!

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19 Aug 2013 12:10 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

We received this ML email on 30th July and the information about the meeting was on an attachment.






Then a notification was attached for downloading.



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