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The Comments
30 Oct 2013 6:01 PM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 forum posts Send private message

Am absolutely amazed to see that some people on the site (at least 3 to my knowledge) have decided that they can just go and cut down trees from the streets to chop up for their own firewood.  We waited years for those trees to mature and give shade on the pavements and more importantly some well needed greenery around the place.  If they were too overgrown why not cut them right back?  someone would help do that if you can't do it yourself - or pay someone to do it. OR 

 Grow your own flipping trees for firewood.

Such selfish and mean actions . If you can't afford heating we'll have a whip round for you but keep your hands OFF our trees! They belong to the community for all, they're not free bloody firewood for tight arses. 



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31 Oct 2013 8:42 PM by malpam Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

hi jane

re your comments on TREES

Do Not assume that all people have chopped trees down on Sierra Golf  for firewood.

On parts of the site the wrong type of tree has been planted and are bringing up the pathways with their roots and if they continue to grow this way, they will eventually damage property. Ornamental trees look fine on sierra golf and also plants to replace where trees have been give sierra golf a more community feel rather than overgrown unkempt trees. These trees are suitable for parks or large areas, but not outside someones property!!

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02 Nov 2013 1:02 PM by eagle Star rating in Essex . 77 forum posts Send private message

they could always be put in the large green area or "dog toilet" in the middle of the site, to make it look more like a green area than wasteland.


Denis Tricia n Becs

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18 Nov 2013 5:45 PM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 forum posts Send private message

Hi Malpam

Thanks for your response.

I have no idea why you have assumed - underlined and capitals - that I have assumed anything.  I have made reference to specific examples where chopping down for firewood happened.  I have made no comment on any other trees.

In general, the trees on SG are beginning to lift pavements because they are not cut back enough - or at all - every year, and the roots are growing too much.  This is normal and as they grow so quickly it is usually the responsibility of the community or the local council to cut the trees right back almost to the trunk every year.  Of course, because of the problems with SG, we have neither to do this.  

It remains a fact that a few people have cut them down and chopped them up for firewood.  They should just be cut right back to the branch.  If someone has the tools to remove a tree for firewood, I suggest they have the same tools to cut the tree back appropriately instead.

And no, putting a few plants where the trees should be does not make it look better.  The trees are on the plan of the community and have been planted there for a reason.  Because we cannot look after them properly as the ayuntamiento would, it does not automatically mean they should be removed.  It also begs the question who thinks they have a unilateral right to make these decisions in community areas, without reference to other owners, or to the ayuntamiento for agreement. 

Maybe owners could discuss how to manage the trees better, rather than destroy them.





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18 Nov 2013 11:21 PM by M54 Star rating in North Shields/Sierra.... 46 forum posts Send private message

Jane if you wish to arrange a community meeting regarding the fate of the trees on SG then please do. Although I would say, if we had to vote on the fate of every tree we would end up living in a forest. 

In the meantime and even though I agree that trees should not be cut down for firewood, I applaud anyone and everyone who has the enthusiasm and community spirit to try and improve this site.



D E C & M L

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