Tomorrow night at 23.45 on Cuatro TV.. The documentary is about 'phantom urbanisatons' in Spain. Our community president (Medina Elvira 23) took part in the programme and he showed the film crew all around Medina Elvira, in this preview you can see the sorry state of Medina Golf (often referred to as Nadalsol, the name on the hoarding still standing in front) - abandoned and totally wrecked by thieves looking for scrap or anything else saleable. He is also shown in front of the Golf Cub, talking about the suicide of Bernado, who tried to keep the bar open, even after the power was cut.
'An estimated 4.5 million houses were constructed in Spain in the last decade. 21 Dias explores the consequences of the construction fever that has filled our country with bricks'
This message was last edited by hosilverlining on 30/05/2014.