Don't get me started on the waste of water. As the President of P12 I recently asked our Administrator to get a surveybtonchannel excess water into tanks in the garages, clean it and use it in the gardens.
i was told that the cost of the survey alone would not be worth it when you measure the average amount of rainfall received at Roda.
In Spain, everyone complains about water shortages but they do nothing to help the situation, hence the stupid pipe system at Roda, architects believed it would never rain and planners accepted it.
if you look at blocks 44 and 52 you will notice slight variations on a guttering system that was permitted by owners at previous AGMs.
We are still not sure of the best approach but will look further IF we receive enough compensation from the claim that is currently approaching the SanJavier courts as per my recent newsletter.
I still believe that talking initially to your neighbours for some respect is the best initial play but would recommend asking Resortalias advice for now as the Court claim will take some time, perhaps up to two years after appeals etc.
Chris Perree
Please feel free to cc me in to any correspondence with Resotalia