I have noticed that Costaluz reply to threads on here a lot quicker than they respond to emails.. even tho they have said they will. Although in my experience Costaluz do not ever do what they say they will do...
Please will you get in contact to explain why you sent me an email on 30th November 2017 telling me my legal interest is 35000 euros and your fee is 21% ...which I took to mean you would deduct 21% from 35000 euros and I would receive the balance..can you tell me why you have taken off 45% instead.
A very lovely lady in your office tried very hard yesterday on the phone to help but as her English was limited it was very difficult ...she said we had been charged 2 fees and my other questions she said she did not know. .and said Keith would send an invoice. Although I'm not sure how long invoices take to be done in your office ..we have been waiting 2 months so far..
If you could do us the courtesy of a call back or email ..as I am aware Keith is not keen on telephones..it would be appreciated as I do believe, as clients, we deserve that.. I'm sure you know who I am.
Thank you..