Came back from Spain last week. As opposed to our info 2 months ago which was reasonably optimistic, this won't be. Our esteemed builder has attempted to stop us getting to see our apts by sealing everywhere up. He's reckoned without who dares wins rodney, atitude. A little bit of by the back door enterprise gets you in. So, the ups. Apts 60-80 appear to be finished, pool in, walkways finished but no landscaping. The remaining Apts. appear to be at the point of ready to be finished. Car park area cleaned up, no builders rubble (still open to the south side). Up n over door in and ramp built. We got into our apt. all walk ways are cleared and free of rubble. Our apt has had new shutters on, plasterwork replaced and chimney and roof repaired. I can only assume others are at similar stages.
Now the downs. It doesn't look like a bulder has been on site for a few weeks. Elec. transformer in as you know. A mooch into several manholes and ducts shows that 80% of cabling in place but not connected. Builder still owes approx 7000 euros for final connection, plus elec. co has been bought out! Water, we were told that it had been connected and tested in parts of site that are complete, but when it will be connected to incomplete parts, who knows.
Contacted PP on our return, amazing where a discussion regarding solicitors will get you. PP have ceased advertising El Zoco because of the problems, not because it's nearing completion. We asked the question of illegal selling due to lack of utilities, hence the withdrawal from their potfolio at the end of 2006. What about people who like us have already put deposits down? Phase 1 was complete and lived in and with elec and water. PP had no reason to question availability to rest of site. Are PP still representing us? yes but only to extent of writing to and visiting builder if possible. There is no legal issue between builder and PP.
Incidentally, crum of comfort, the site is totally legal, we applied for and got copies of all licencias before we put our deposit down, (oh for a time machine) the ayuntamiento at Mecina confirmed the same. So where do we stand? PP thinks builders banks could be itchy to see a return, they can foreclose and appoint another builder. There are no more deposits coming in as PP are not bringing in clients. Buider may be forced to spend his own money(if he has any) to finish and carry on to next phase. Good luck all, sorry this notice so long.
This message was last edited by avf on 5/7/2007.