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Hi everyone,
Peter & I have purchased an apartment in Vegamar II, Rafal. We are due to sign the contracts very soon.
There are 21 apartments left of the 44 under construction.
We are looking forward to living in Rafal, the village looks to be just what we have been looking for, have spent a long time searching and several visits and Atlas have been very helpful.
Look forward to meeting the resident's of Vegamar II. Anyone out there know of a good Local Hotel or Guest House to Rafal when we are in Spain to sign the contracts.
Regards, Doe.
This message was last edited by doedoe on 7/5/2007.
_______________________ DoeDoe
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We to are looking forward (and have been for the past eighteen months) to having our holidays in Rafal. I don't know of any hotels around Rafal but there are apartments for rent in Almoradi at the La Luz. These are available though this link We almost bought an apartment here, but thought Almoradi to be a bit too busy for us. Rafal is perfect to get to know the real Spain. We are looking forward to finding a few tapas bars in the village. We have a completion date of 01/08/07.
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Hi Doe
Not sure if you have signed your contracts yet, but if you are doing this through Atlas, the Hotel Madrid in Torrevieja is fine.
I have just completed and will be going out this Sunday to take delivery of furniture and have a bit of a clean up. It's all very quiet there at the moment,
Please let me know if you have completed and if there is anything you would like me to report back.
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To any owners on vegamar 11,
I am an owner in waiting on Vegamar 1 in Almoradi. As you have probably heard the site is not completely finished and Idearco claims to have gone bust. The owners who have completed have appointed Juan Carlos Ballester as administrator, (he had initially been appointed apparently by Idearco) and set up a community, The electricity and water bills had not been paid and the services were turned off for a week. I would be interested to know if anyone has had any experience of Juan Carlos Ballester, the spanish owners at Vegamar 1 were adamant that they did not want him as administrator and brought in a translator to attend the meeting. I understand he has worked for Idearco as an administrator for 3 years and perhaps he has worked on your development or that of friends who might be able to give us an objective view of his work. Hope to hear from someone if they have any information.
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hi simmo68
I am trying to contact any person(s) that has an apartment in Vagamar 2. (Rafal) for any info on what is happening down there.
All I know is that the water and electricity are being cut off from the 19th of May and there was an emergency meeting held today.
Guan Carlos was at the meeting. I believe there is another meeting at the town hall next week.
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Hi Doe
Lynn & Steve here. It was lovely to meet up with you last week. Hope you had a safe journey home. Any more news on a meeting yet and any outcome?
See you soon
Lynn & Steve
_______________________ Lynn
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Hi Vegamar 2 owners,
Hope you have seen the community Blog post reference the SUMO bills from our new President, she is working hard to get all our problems solved. It seems that the SUMO is now due even though we still have no Habitation Certificate. We understood after a visit to the SUMO office in Callosa in 2010 that no Sumo could be paid until the Habitation Certificate was granted by the local council. It also seems that the SUMO bill for our apartment is addressed to the Builder ? . As we completed in February 2008 at the notary, how can this be. Maybe the Sumo & the local Council are still not talking to one another ? . They are both Spanish yet they have more trouble talking to one another that the non spanish speaking, non Nationals, like many of the recent property purchasers in Spain.
Three years, and the paperwork is still not done. How do the Spanish Government offices manage to keep going. just imagin the huge piles of paperwork with unsolved problems they have. No wonder they have money problems when the bills fail to reach the correct owners. They must be owed Trillions yet it still takes three years to send bills to the wrong person.
_______________________ DoeDoe
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After being in touch with our solicitor. It seems you have two choices.
1. As you said go to the office and get the bills transferred to yourself.
2. Do nothing at all , as long as the bills are in the builders name you will not have to pay or incur any interest. You will have to pay it eventually when the names are transferred by whoever.
Hope that helps.
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Thanks Paul for the info advice, its useful to know. I have emailed the lads solicitors asking if they know about the Suma bill and if they organise payment etc, so waiting for a reply.
We have never heard of the Suma bill till Doe told me about it being on the veg 2 blog post. Chris explained the Suma bill to me as well, so thanks again to Chris.
Phew when will all this expence end! We are not going to the apartment this summer but hope all those who do go to Rafal have a great time!!!!!
A big thanks Sharon for your efforts, and determination, and here's to a successful completion.
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