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06 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by bilcar Star rating in south hornchurch ,es.... 25 forum posts Send private message

I will be in Guardamar from 21-26 Oct and thought might as well get NIE for wife and myself as these will be needed when eventually signing the contracts etc.

I have the downloaded forms but wonder if anyone out there can help to give directions of the location of the office in Alicante and best place to park

I understand have to be there about 7am and queue to get a ticket and after the process to return later to collect the NIE same day.

Any info would be appreciated.

many thanks

PS: if any other buyer in AMARION III  is out there same time would gladly meet up for a beer


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06 Oct 2006 6:44 PM by blacksmith Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Hi, bilcar, We also downloaded our forms and filled them out, but just to be safe we got one of the girls at Palmera to check it over, lucky we did because we had made some very tiny mistakes which would have been enough for them to reject it.  Your best bet is to ring Palmera and make an appointment to see someone who can help you fill out the form.  It has to be done in a certain way and the photo has to be stapled in the correct place.  At the Police Station they will send you away and tell you to come back when you have done it properly.  There is always a long queue so they don't help you.  We arrived at 6.30 a.m. and we were about 20th in the queue.  There is no shelter until you are allowed in so if it is raining or cold take some extra clothes with you.

If it all goes well you have to go back in the afternoon and you can pick up the NIE certificate.

The police station is at the junction of Gran Via and Avda Doctor Rico. The actual road is C.Campo de Mirra.

You will soon get talking to people in the queue and they take it in turns to go up the road to the coffee shop so they will keep your place in the queue.  A coffee is very welcome at this point!!  Reps for the property companies go there about 2 or 3 times a week and they know the ropes.

Best of Luck


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06 Oct 2006 6:49 PM by blacksmith Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

We forgot this bit.  We walked to the Police Station but there is a car park behind.  You wont get your ticket until they open the gates and let people in.  They dont open the gates until 8.30.  Try and keep a straight face when you get to the bloke at the desk, he will look you up and down.  If you make a face he will take you outside and shoot you!!

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06 Oct 2006 8:30 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
Hi bilcar, we went at Xmas for our nie . Palmera escorted us there and helped us through, They have'nt done a lot for there money but we very thankful for there  help.We met them outside the office in Alicante, mind how you go we parked in the car park to rear of the office and walked through what turned out to be the red light district. at 0700 they are still working

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07 Oct 2006 1:31 PM by kerrie Star rating in Bristol. 41 forum posts Send private message

Hi Bilcar

We also used Palmera Properties for the NIE number - they charged us for the service if I remember rightly about 50 euros but they picked us up and took us and it was a great hel,  they also collected the NIE numbers on our behalf we picked them up from the office the next day.  It was worth the money just to not have the hassle of trying to do it ourselves, and as we don't speak spanish it did make it go much smoother.



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09 Oct 2006 8:28 PM by bilcar Star rating in south hornchurch ,es.... 25 forum posts Send private message

many thanks to all for your help and advice its well appreciated.

I'll let you all know if I get any fresh news on the build when I am out there.  



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11 Oct 2006 12:42 PM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Hi Bilcar, if you get stuck with your NIE in Spain, we got ours in London from via the Spanish Embassy - it was very easy and only took a few weeks to receive it.  Let me know if you would like more info.

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19 May 2007 5:39 PM by snowqueen Star rating in Nottingham. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hi, sorry very long message.

I'm thinking about getting our NIE number done here, although it does take 3 months or so to come through but I do have a couple of questions:-

1) If we were to go to Spain to do this, could we go to Alicante ourselves and do this or do you have to have a solicitor present  with you?  I understand it's easier to have someone who speaks spanish with you but I was worried about the expense of paying a solicitor/palmera  to do this?

2) Being UK residents the NIE form asks you to put a Spanish address on where the NIE will be sent to.  What have you guys put in this part.   Do we put our Estate Agent's address (Palmera Properties) in the address of where the NIE is to go to?  In one place I read you could put estate agent/friend etc but elsewhere I have read that you can can leave it blank (but then where would they send the NIE number).

I wanted to fill out the form myself but ask someone at Palmera to check it.  Our contact in the Completions Department, Natalia Gonzalez hasn't responded to my last email (it's been nearly 12 months since we last made contact).  Do you know if she's left, if so does anyone have another name of someoen I could contact.

Many thanks, Sarah

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20 May 2007 10:16 AM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Hi Snowqueen, yes I'm sure Natalia has left - I'm sure I received an email saying she'd left a while ago (everything is so vague and so long ago I can hardly remember!!).  As for the address in Spain, we put the Palmera address in Alicante and advised them it would be coming to them - they forwarded it on to us as soon as they received it.  I'm not too sure what's happening with the Alicante office so maybe check before putting their address down?  As for the form, we completed ours ourselves, the lady in the UK Spanish Embassy browsed over it which was fine - do you have the translated copy of the form so you know what goes where?  If not I found this somewhere along the line which may help.....


1er Apellido: Surname
2º Apellido : (second Surname) Write three chiffons instead (---)
Nombre : Christian Name (make sure to use same as in passport)
Fecha de Nacimiento: Date of birth (use two digits for day and month)
Lugar de nacimiento: Place of birth
Sexo : Gender “H” for Male (Hombre) and “M” Female (Mujer) . X cross the one applicable
Estado Civil: Status. S for single C for married. V for widow and D for divorced
País de nacimiento: Country of Birth
País de nacionalidad: Current Nationality
Nombre del padre: Father´s name
Nombre de la madre: Mother´s name
Domicilio en España: Address in Spain (if you have one, otherwise leave blank) - Localidad: Town, CP: Postcode, Provincia: Province

Reasons for application:
Economic, Professional or Social (Tick professional for work reasons or social for house purchase)

Leave blank"

Our trip to the Spanish Consulate in London was really stress free, we were only in there for about 30 minutes, no queues, the lady we saw was very helpful and obviously spoke English.  If you do go down this road though just make sure that you have all documentation ready prepared, any photocopies of documents, cheques written (or signed at least in case you're unsure of the cost) and the form complete ready to hand over - remember not to sign the form as you'll need to do it there and then.  We were there at the Consulate for 9am when it opened so it may be why there wasn't a queue. 

Good luck wherever you decide to get your NIE!


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21 May 2007 12:51 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

Hi snowqueen, I would think it would be easier and more cost effective to get your NIE done in this country, wouln't it? When we went to Alicante with Palmera to do ours, they told us to put the address of our hotel, where we were staying as our address!!! We were staying in Benidorm at the time and had to book into a Hotel in Alicante to put as a place of residence!

I would be very careful putting anything to do with Palmera down as address etc. I dont really have much faith in them just now. Alicante office is closed or closing? Why haven't every single one of us been informed by post or e.mail?? We should not have to rely on this forum to keep us up to date. I know I have said this before, but thank goodness we all found it and what about the poor buyers who still have not. They may be ringing and e.mailing their hearts out trying to find some info.

What a mess this whole thing is from estate agent to builder! Oh! If only we could turn back time and knew what we know now. Still, we did sign up and all we can do is sit it out or cut and run....what is best to do...that is the question! Who knows?!!

Kind regards to you all

John and Trish


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22 May 2007 9:47 AM by el robbo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message

hi snowqueen,  i think you would be bet doing nie in this country. we did ours through palmera in alicante, we queued from 6am till dinner, they only see first 100 people.we were staying in benidorm, palmera said was ok, but when nie was done it had to go to police in benidorm, as apparently it should not have been done in alicante. alicante office is closed anyway.

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