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Has anybody else received a letter from the developer, Manilva Costa, regarding completion at Gardens of Manilva? The letter (in very poor English) is asking for buyers to contact them to start the completion process. Manilva Costa state that if buyers fail to contact them within 30 days they will take it that "you are not interested in the possible sale and that means that our company will become owner of the property in question", this is concerning to say the least.
While I have no problem with starting the completion process I am reluctant to do this until the entire site is complete. Also enclosed with the letter is a DVD of the development which shows that Gardens of Manilva is clearly still a building site and some way from completion. Work has barely started on the villas and there are no communal facilities (pools, bar, restaurant, gym, etc.) at all. I don't expect many people want to be completing on a property that is still on a building site.
I would be interested to hear anybody else's views on this.
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We have had a letter the same poor English. We agree that the site is not complete, but as we have a contract that states we will complete in phase one we will have little option, but to complete I believe. We are told by a Spanish property lawyer that the only reason we would not be able to complete is if the apartment itself is not livable. Our view is the site will not be finished at least until the end of the year and can only hope that we are able to secure a 'long term rent' in the meantime.
We have been strongly recommended that before we make any commitment to buy and part with any money to snag the property and to do this ourselves. This is our intention and will be visiting Spain before any completion.
PS I believe that everyone in phase 1 will have received a letter and DVD.
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Are ALL of the legals in place to enforce you to complete
Suggest you obtain a valuation of the property prior to completion to ensure no negative equity,
Little or no chance of rental income.
They will be doing everything they can to FORCE completion and would do everything you can to avoid this as once the money is paid their interest will end.
Please check on this site and the other Spanish Property Insight under O.V.P Mark 2 by Just Frank.
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Well aren't you the life and soul of the party Just Dan :D
Our solicitors will ensure we don't complete before we have to - same as the UK
There's nothing we can do about negative equity - its the same if you buy off plan in the UK - its tough luck.
There's only no chance of rental income if you don't get off your bum and do something about finding tenants - again exactly the same situation as my rental properties in the uk.
Developers in the UK also pressure you to complete - often before the snagging is done - just use common sense and the same caution you would at home
I don't think scare-mongering and negativity is constructive for anyone - have you bought on this development or maybe you have some other involvement that qualifies you to state how bad the situation (on Gardens of Manilva) is? - please share your info if this is the case.
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Hi all,
Having said I wouldn't post again as many of the issues on here have become very convoluted, imagine my surprise to find positive action has been taken to stop the scare-mongering that has been going on. Thanks EOS, now hopefully people can get an objective view of what is going on without being told out-right lies.
I have a GoM reservation. I, too, received the letter from the Developer. I have showed it to my solicitor and they say that the Developer has absolutely no legal footing for cancelling the purchase agreement if I don't get in touch with the 30 days mentioned. I have a purchase contract (with a newly signed annex) so there are no grounds for the undue cancellation of the purchase.
Helen, thank goodness there are some more of us out there with some objectivity!
Just Dan, I don't know if you have bought on this Development. I'm sure that if you had you'd know the contents of the letter, which is not forcing early completion. The LFO is not in place and I don't think anyone in their right mind would complete without it.
I don't know what's happened on this site to make people think a little more objectively but it's a good start. Hopefully the nay-sayers will do what they should have been doing all along and get in touch with OVP and help yourselves.
All the best,
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Well said John,
I'm off to the development in a few weeks and while I'm there I'm going to see some letting agents, a solicitor and generally have a nosey around. If you want to share any information I'd be delighted. I am determined to make this work and like you I have avoided this forum for a while because of the doom and gloom atitude of some posters. Hopefully the more optimistic people will now come out of hiding!
If we don't help ourselves - no-one else will!
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I can assure you that I have seen all documentation.
I am sure that everyone will get in contact with the company very shortly
Forgive me but somehow something seems amiss with your posting as why cant those that have severe problems be able to post.
Why dont they just reply on an open forum.
We are aware that the editor had to remove a thread and I wonder why 
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I'm sure you're not stupid. The removed threads would only have been removed if there were legal grounds to do so.
At no point have I said that people with severe problems shouldn't be able to post. People should be able to share their experiences but they should not post outright lies just to rally people to their cause. That is a despicable abuse of a valuable resource.
I hope you find the answers you are looking for.
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Im quite new to all this but I must say I love your outlook and "Make it happen" attitude. You have grabbed the bull by the horns and I'm sure your on the way to a great success. As you said enough of the Doom and Gloom, lets push things forward, your point of view has really rubbed off on me.
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Don't take it personally LoopyLou. There seems to be plenty of people posting on this forum who aren't happy unless theres some major moaning and self pity going on. Funny that most of them haven't bought on this development but seem determined to scare those that have.
I'm sure if you want to make your investment work, then it probably will. If you think it won't work, you'll definitely be right.
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I was impressed by the short lived positive input from one or two contributors on one or two threads.
As usual those with nothing else to do but upset things.....well.....upset things !
Just Dan, JustDan and whoever the rest of the recent contributors are.........can you not find something better to do than regurgitate the same old pessimistic nonsense and clearly made up responses and leave those that want to debate to deabte ?
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In an attempt to take some sting out of the heated debates I thought I would add a few facts. At the moment I do not know where we stand, but do know that I fear this site will not be completed for some considerable time....... and that is following a recent visit
Fact 1 A friend parted with their money (on a different OVP site) early last year and have only just had notification that the site is ready for rental. The site is nowhere near the scale of our site and was completed in one phase.
Fact 2 There were some major snagging issues not dealt with until recently. It has taken considerable time to get their snagging issues resolved. They parted with their money first and then snagged.
Fact 3 I believe the completion pack appears to be saying we hand over the cash and then snag (I accept this may just be how I read it)...... I am advised by a lawyer and a hardened property owner never to part with any cash until you have seen inside your property and it has been snagged.
Fact 4 I am advised by an OVP member of staff that the developer will not allow us access. I was trying to take a pro-active step to the letter and decided to view the property internally and then confirm we still want to proceed.... a positive step I thought. I now have major concerns that I am apparently not going to be able to do this...... are they trying to hide something?
I do not intend for this to add to the scare mongering, but can honestly say the above facts are true. I am a GOM owner (or hope to be!!!) and want this investment to be right. If we just go ahead and accept it whatever I fail to see how this will become reality. I agree we should proceed, but with great caution and if possible collectively. We need the support of the whole forum to make this work for us and think we should listen to the words of caution. I am taking legal advise from a Spanish Lawyer and when I know any more facts am happy to contribute further to the forum, but in the meantime urge everyone to be cautious and as a minimum make sure what we are paying for will be delivered. We can only be certain of this by being allowed on site. I will be checking with my Spanish Lawyer where we stand if we get to the point of having to complete and not being allowed access to the site. In the meantime I am getting as much advise as possible and am happy to listen to any given, even from Just Dan....... sometimes you need a reality check. We certainly got one when we went out to Spain!!!!
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Yes Dan. A newcomer. I have only just become aware of the site and have only recently had concerns. Not really sure what your message is intended to say, but thank you for your contribution.
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Phil Gomer
Think I can give you a reality check.just speak to the many that parted with their money 2 years ago having not snagged.
SNAGGED Example 1 They have no air con,no kitchen,no furniture even though they paid for everything.their apartment is a sh-t hole and trying to communicate with this lot is just one nightmare
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