If you have thought of purchasing here - forget it. It's not worth the hassle. I have lived on this small development for almost 5 years now and everyone here (some for 9 years) are still waiting for the Licencia de primera Occupacions. This has made it impossible for me to get a mortgage, and also means I cannot sell. I love the house - I love the location, but the Developer has stitched us up well and truly.
The 'extras' he added to the prices are totally ridiculous. Our contract says we have the seguro decenal (10 year guarantee) - but we don't. He named us and other home-buyers as our own promotor in the Escrituras whereby he does not have to provide this guarantee.
There are charges on my nota simple totalling almost €70k - 'gastos de urbanizacion' - these will remain there until he decides to finish the infrastructure to the satisfaction of the Ayuntamiento. He agreed with the Ayuntamiento before starting the development that he would progress the road, street lights etc as the building progressed - totally opposite to the law as should be.
I have learnt my lesson - buyer beware, and beware of Las Lomas de Frigiliana.