How depressing, this rollercoaster of a journey. I've been keeping my eye on the threads but must admit it's not made cheerful reading lately.
However today I decided to email TH head office for some news and I've copied and pasted below Jane's reply which I have just now recieved. In my humble opinion "all is not lost" and I for one am going to ride out this storm. Still keeping the faith! Brave or Stupid??
Dear Richard
Please see below for the information on the situation on Trampolin Hills golf resort:
About three months ago the chief executive of urbanism, D. Antonio Javier Navarro Corchón felt that the dossier's draft of Trampolin Hills Golf Resort was complete and ready to be finally approved and that the lands comprising of the residential are now urban. The legal services of the Autonomous Region explained to the governing team of the council of Campos del Rio that they should celebrate the full approval, of which they have had timely knowledge about the modifications made to that draft, which had already been provisionally approved in full before.
On March 10 th, this full approval was celebrated and immediately after, the opposition party denounced this because it required a vote and not just the knowledge of the project .
Once this documentation of the approval was put to the Autonomous Region, the director general of urbanism stated that he would not sign the final approval unless there was a full voting process and therefore not fullfilling the commitment reached with the governing team of the council of Campos del Rio , who came to him seeking a solution given the situation of confrontation with an opposition that was blocking any dialogue or agreement .
after two days of demonstration, calling for the final approval of the project (which according to the Autonomous region, was ready for adoption), they have reaffirmed that the final approval must be given .
Therefore, the efforts of the promotor is to focus now on finding a consensus in the council of Campos del Rio between the two political forces to make it possible to celebrate the final approval at the earliest possible moment, in that also a vote will have to take place for that final approval of the modifications to the draft for the urbanization. Once this takes place , then the final approval of the project by the Autonomous Region will be immediate and therefore licenses / allows us to begin construction of the residential
We do understand our customers concerns, as remeber we also are investors and also our friends and family but as we are hearing the info directly we are holding strong and positive. Please be assured that as soon as we have information more than we have at the moment then we will of course let you have that information. I can only for my part say that those that are actually working on this situation are doing so correctly and legally so that this incorrect situation will be solutioned. We know that we will benefit from this patience.
As always we thank to all for their support as we are are all doing our best in this situation and this should see us through this situation as I have also been asured by others.
As usual will keep you updated