I have always fancied living on a house boat. Nothing too big and
certainly one that doesn´t venture too far, perhaps a little chug up
the Norfolk Broads or the Manchester Canals, certainly nothing which
will make the boat move too much either side to side or up and down.
What´s all this got to do with Nueva Manilva I hear you say. Its the
water you see its got me waxing lyrical, what else can you do when you
have to don your Lidl plastic bags (the ones costing 3p each I might
add) to get to your car every morning? (The bags by the way go
over my shoes not my head) I am of course talking about the problems we
are having with our garage, or as it is rapidly(excusethe pun) becoming
the new water sports area of the appartments at Nueva Manilva.
I must say the problem has been tackled very ably by Justin. A quick
phone call to alert him to the fact that we have six inches and rising
in Portal 7 garage and he´s on the case. However, it hasn´t deterred my
partner Ian from continuing the construction of the boat on our terrace
(just in case) and then there´s the problem of getting the animals in
two by two, would they understand English? Its just such an adventure!!!