The Comments |
Hi All,
As it is quiet in here and out there i thought i would try and be consructive.
Personally i am always trying to improve service levels and obviously create business(as it's my job).
I am trying to gain feedback from people looking to purchase as sometimes living in Spain you lose the general concencus with how people look for property abroad.
This is not an attempt at advertising as i hope the people who know me on here will appreciate .
Why did you choose the Agent you bought or sold through and how did you find them?
Why did you choose a large agent rather than a traditional high street agent?
If you were to buy new build do you think it is better to buy direct from the builder or through an agent.
We as agents obviously would appreciate feedback prior to people making huge mistakes so that we can try and prevent them rather than trying to help people after the fact.
As the majority of people on the forum are on the other side of the fence as it was,it would interest all the agents on here,Rixxy,Gillespie,Myself to know how to stop the rot and make the process easier ann more enjoyable for all.
As an agent it is torture to listen to how people have been mistreated when we are perfectly prepared to go the extra mile.
I hope everybody takes this the right way.
still here after all these years!
Hi Georgia
We bought off plan about 3 years ago now. Only knew CDS area but couldn't afford to buy what we wanted there. Went to a small exhibition in a hotel near to us & met an agent who recommended the Mar Menor area. Went over under our own steam (not a wine, dine & sign on the line trip!), met the agent who spent a week showing us (& the kids who we had to take with us) around wherever we wanted to go. They listened to what we wanted & were very helpful, plus no hard sell which would have switched us off completely. Both of us have worked in sales & know the tricks of the trade!
Weren't really bothered about off plan or resale - just somewhere that suited us. Found what we wanted & the agent then helped us with the solicitor (I know everyone now says get an independent solicitor but ours was great), bank a/cs & nie. Spent the next 18 months waiting for the property - agent kept in touch (as promised), sent photos & updated regularly. Completed (nearly) on time & am still happy we bought where we did.
Not a story that seems to be common on eos, but we had a good experience . Will be looking in a few years to buy a bigger place & am just thankful that thanks to websites such as this one, am now considerably better informed that I was back then!
Annie, with or without websites & forums like this, it doesn't get much better than your experience! Good for you, and all the best of luck for the future.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Georgia
My experience for what it is worth!
I was thinking originally of buying in Bulgaria and surfed the net, went to place in the sun exhibition and arranged a viewing trip which fate took a hand in (I lost my passport on the day I was leaving for the airport), so the trip never took place! (passport found later that day!)
I had done the rounds of the local estate agents and put my details on their books. Anyway a few weeks after my aborted trip I was contacted by a local agent H2O who asked if they could come and see me. They asked if I had ever thought of Spain for my place in the sun to which I replied no as then I would require a mortgage which I did not think I could afford, having just taken early retirement rom work due to ill health. Anyway they suggested that I went out to have a look at what was available before dismissing it totally. After being assured there would be no hard sell I agreed to go on a 3 day trip.
I was met at the airport by someone from H20 who took me to my hotel to drop off my bag and then handed me over to Joanne, a sales rep from MASA. I was told that they work alongside each other. Joanne stayed with me for the 3 days and showed me a number of resale properties and 1 off plan. She was very good and did not put me under pressure.
To cut a long story short I decided to buy the off plan property and am still waiting to complete on it, waiting for the habitation license. MASA informed me it was ready for completion in December, but the solicitor says it is not ready to complete without the paperwork. I can't wait to complete now!!!!
Thank you Roberto - knowing what I know now am just thankful we had the experience we did. A lot of people seem to have a terrible time - or maybe people who have good experiences just don't bother writing about them.
Julia - we were thinking about buying in Florida as you can get a lot more for your money over there - until we got caught up in a hurricane that is - thought we'd be a bit safer on this side of the pond. Funny where life leads you.
Hi Georgia, originally booked a viewing trip with a company advertising as an independent. On arrival at Alicante airport were met by a MASA rep. Big con. We had specified location and budget and were shown nothing within these as had been agreed. When they discovered we were not interested in any of their rubbish properties we were dumped in the hotel by the staff and not spoken to again. At the airport going home I bought a magazine on spanish property. One ad was from a local agent in the area we wanted. I contacted them on the web from home - gave exactly same criteria but this time said if you can't or won't do it, don't waste my time or yours.
They were great from start to finish. Personally helped with everything right through to moving in and helping me count the number of light fittings urgently needed (no one told me spanish new build come with bare wires!!). We decided to buy another off-plan and used the same agent to thank them for their superb work first time. The difference is amazing. We get nothing unless we chase. They've had our repeat business and now there are problems with this developer they couldn't care less.
This week I saw a house on the web I would like to know more about as it looked just what I wanted for my retirement , not holidays. I made contact through the 'Think Spain' site and yesterday the agent selling rang me. I said I was flying out today and would like the location of the property to go and see where it was situated. I know the area well. I did not want to view, just ascertain the location. They refused. They don't do that. Only viewings. Lost a potential purchaser and seller. Too bad - so sad - they don't deserve to be in business.
It,s really great to hear the feedback,thanks for the time and effort.
Annie- Great story,a happy client at last .
Jules1-I know H20 very well,i worked for the countrywide group in the UK and they are owned by them,it seems a strange way of going about things(a commision split i would imagine)but at least you got there in the end,good luck for the future,it does sound like your solicitor is on the ball.
********** That was very suprising,great first time very poor the second,was it a change of staff?
Un fortunately MASA are losing reputation fast as they have had several projects that have turned out badly and they are known for unscrupolous sales tactics("you will buy what we show you not what you want").
It simply blows my mind that someone will not go out of their way to show you a location,agents must realise that have to literally walk across hot coals for the clients these days,you are right they don't deserve your business,happy hunting.
Great stuff,keep it coming!
still here after all these years!
We made the mistake of buying through a big agent on our first property. Marvellous couple showing us around but, we now realise, only showing the properties they wanted to push. We also did the full inspection trip, which cost £60 each, but they got the money back off us later with fees etc. (no problem as I knew we wouldn't get anything for free). The aftersales, however, was terrible. Even though I was paying over €600 a year for property management, nothing was ever done, hence I am still on builders supply for electricity because no-one was there to let Iberdrola in to fit the fuses despite warning messages and leaflets being left on the door. I think the agents wanted us to fly over for a day to let the electricity company in.
However, in defence of MASA, we used them as agents for our new property. The guy who showed us around (we weren't on an inspection trip this time) knew straight away what we were after and took us to a company that was based in the area we chose (NOT a caravan or temporary show home but real, purpose built offices). The builders told us they weren't involved with MASA as other builders were and they were simply acting as introducers. The guy showing us around half-heartedly showed us a couple of other properties which they had on the books but he knew we had made our minds up on the first one. So full marks to MASA for not trying to push their products on us in this case. They also had no problems with us using independent solicitors. They did open a bank account for us without our permission but closed it when they realised we already had an account in Spain. The after sales service will be with builders and not MASA so I hope all goes well but, as they are established in the area, we will always have somewhere to go. (The first place we bought had a site office near us but it closed down after a year and we have no idea where they went to). We also said we didn't want the furniture pack (we'll be taking most of our own furniture) so they gave us vouchers for €1500 of white goods and €2000 for furniture. Pretty good as our charges for showing us round and making introduction came to about €650.
We chose off plan because it suits my time frame. I don't want to move over straight away and was quite willing to wait the 18 months quoted for completion and would be happy if this slipped to 2 years (although it looks like it's on time), A resale would have been too quick in my situation.
Hi Georgia
I posted this message a long time ago so sorry if I'm boring anyone who has already read it. Just for the ones who haven't then
We went on our first inspection trip with Masa. Had researched loads before we went. Knew we wanted the mar menor area. Told the sub agent here that where we wanted to be. She tried to put us offf before we went and said that mar menor was a dust bowl and nothing open in the winter. (we were there Christmas and new year, didn't see any dust )
Anyway kept on telling me that we should look further north blah blah. Told her no we want mar menor. So when we got there? You guessed it everywhere but. The poor rep hadn't been told and was annoyed with sub agent (not with us) I have to say he was brilliant. A scouser who kept us amused throughout the trip. Took us down to Mar menor even though he had nothing to sell us and showed us around the area. I really wish he did have something to sell us as he was so great. Unfortunately the other couples didn't have the same experience. They had reps that looked like a cross between the Phil and Grant Mitchell and bouncers. Very nasty pieces of work. They didn't like it when their clients tried to mix with us. One night we were left alone in the hotel and got talking to a couple who told us of their treatment, nasties who were sulking and getting angry because they weren't buying. If this is how some of them perform no wonder they get a bad reputation. Anyway we went home dejected because we wanted to buy something and couldn't. Still scouring the web came across a small independent agent who lives in mar menor. after many e mails back and forth and endless questions from me to him (he had the patience of a saint) we went over and he took us to properties that were of interest to us. We found the perfect one and are soooooooooo happy.
When we got back the sub agent from masa kept ringing and asking if we still wanted to buy in Spain. Didn't let on we had found. Let her ramble on about us never finding anything in our criteria. The main thing I wanted was to be walking distance to the beach. She proceeded to tell me that we wouldn't find that and no one ever walks to the beach, always drive. Apparently I would never find that!! Also when I asked why the rep wasn't told that we wanted mar menor, but I did praise him, she said I quote "Well he wasn't that good if he didn't sell you anything!!" At this point I let the cat out of the bag, told her we had found the place that she had said didn't exist within 10 mins walk from the beach (5 if you run )
Haven't heard from her again, I can't think why. But spooky thing happened this morning, had a flyer through my door inviting me to a Masa ex at a local hotel tomorrow. Might pop over even if it's just to find out which golf club we were taken to for lunch It's driving me nuts now not remembering the name. Well think I've bored the pants off everyone now so I'll give it a rest now. But just warning everyone, don't be intimidated by the horrible reps. Leave that cheque book at home and say you haven't got a credit card. Go home and think it over first. Gina
Hi Georgia
May I share our experience in purchasing our off plan property in Spain. A bit long winded but I now realise some good decisions - despite our naivety at the time.
We searched the internet and following a few enquiries initially obtained brochures from Masa,Iberian International and one or two others....we eventually decided to visit an Iberian exhibition in our locality to get a feel for the experience and arrange a trip to at least see what buying was all about.
We were the only couple there but it still took more than 2 hours to get to the point of booking an inspection trip - we were keen to get over there but the rep took ages to actually close us down and sign us up for the trip !
Despite booking the trip we did more research as we weren`t entirely satisfied with the locations in the brochure - there seemed very little on offer in Murcia, which we were continually reading as the up and coming area....
Eventually we came across images of various villas being developed at La Tercia Real they were on the website of an independent agent and we made contact to discuss the development and arrange a visit. The agent was so enthusiastic and actually buying there himself.....yeh, yeh, did we believe it ? Cynical or what.....
We cancelled our Iberian trip and lost our money, but faced the reality that this was nothing in comparison to buying the wrong property in the wrong location...we arranged the trip with the agent but this time paid our own way as we wanted to maintain our independence and this was respected.
The visit was arranged over a 4 day period and the Agent met us at the airport, took us to our hotel and briefly discussed our family requirements and chat about life in Spain.
The morning after, up and raring to go, the agent arrived and explained the plans for the day ahead. During the car journey, the agent gave us an overview of the area and showed us the various sites and properties for alternative consideration. We were dropped off at the beach to spend a few hours of relaxation and Family time.
Day 2 and off to see the site that had stirred our interest. The site was nothing more than a field surrounded by mountains but the agent had prepared us for this having taken us to the other sites, this allowed us to visualise what it would become in a short period of time. We spent hours at the site reviewing the plan and different properties available and eventually out onto the site. Back to the Hotel for time on our own and a good old Family debate !
We returned the following day and after a few tense deliberations with the builder during which time our agent was extremely helpful, we made our decision ! Documents, Solicitors, SIGNATURES !!! Exciting but tense at the decision we had made..
The final day was a little uneasy for me at least (the Family were well happy !!) having made such a massive decision, the agent took it all in his stride and explained the long term benefits as we visited the Bank, a furniture retailer, then lunch, before we were taken on an afternoon`s sightseeing of the La Manga area.
The site is in progress and our villa will be complete inl 2008. Despite the recent press we are now all very comfortable with our purchase, the important thing is we are looking LONG TERM...the aim is to improve OUR LIFESTYLE and invest in OUR CHILDRENS FUTURE.
We still have the odd call from a few Companies...we are still on the list !