Using a postcode from Manchester will mean you get the strongest ITV1HD region on your Freesat channel listing - as you may find other ITV1HD regions are not as strong.
M60 XXX will do the job...where XXX are any combination of 1 number and 2 I understand the Freesat box postcode checks just look at the first three digits in the postcode...
BBC1HD and BBCHD and C4HD are not affected by the postcodes, as there is currently only one regional version of these channels.
This may mean you get weak BBC1 on 101, BBC2 on 102 and ITV1 on 103..but just use the HD versions instead (or for BBC2 BBC2 Wales or BBC2 Northern Ireland)
I have yet to find a single UK postcode that gives you the strongest regions on 101, 102,103,104, 119.
This message was last edited by satandpcguy on 16/07/2011.