Satellite Dishes in North West Spain
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Hi everyone we live just to the West of Oviedo in Asturias are are trying to decide on what size of dish to get. Our very helpful satellite man is suggesting the best option is a 1.8m but they are very expensive, the other options are a 1.5 or 1.2. However as there are no other expats around us we have no one to ask about reception on the 1.2 or 1.5m dishes. We don't want to buy the cheaper 1.2m only to find that we cannot watch anything (already done that with an 80cm dish :o( ).
So could anyone out there living in either Western Asturias or Galicia tell us what size dishes they have and what sort of reception they get. Typically we would watch mostly BBC2 which apparantly is on of the worst for signal drop!
I hope someone can help,
try looking on satellites .co. uk, they have a large forum and fringe reception thread.
Try this map for sizing.

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