The Rental Scammers are Back Beware

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26 Nov 2011 12:00 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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Please be careful as we enter the peak holiday booking the rental scammers are back where they exploit the time that it typically takes to clear a cheque
Because I manage a number of properties over multiple sites this individual stupidly tried to make multiple bookings with me plus another site picked them and issues a warning
They make an enquiry on a property and, agree the rental and then ask to pay by cheque, normally wanting to pay on a long term for the whole year, or on the holiday including all charges
The scammers then send a cheque for the item. However, the cheque is for substantially more than the specified amount.
The scammers invent some excuse for this overpayment and ask that the balance be electronically transferred to a specified bank account..
The seller dutifully transfers the amount out of his or her own funds.
Later, the seller finds that his or her bank has dishonoured the cheque. In some cases, the bank may actually have cleared the funds, but discovers later that the check is a forgery or was stolen.
Please watch out for this type of scam and always insist on photo ID and proof of address when taking a booking

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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26 Nov 2011 12:58 PM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

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Thanks for the warning Roy.  I have heard of this one as a friend sold a motor bike in the UK and they used the too-large cheque to pay for it, followed by a request for a refund of the balance.  I hadn't heard of it being used for rentals, but I think you need to have your wits about you when dealing with any payments or transactions these days.

As an estate agent, I get lots of Nigerian scam emails offering to buy our most expensive properties, if we will only help them get their illegal funds out of some African / Arab country. 



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26 Nov 2011 1:42 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

I did write back to this character with a dear friend mail, explaining that because of a change in my personal circumstances, due to the tragic death of my 2 pet goldfish Pinky & Perky, in a drowning incident, that I needed to dispose of some assets, my shares in a Nigerian Jam mine going at a great price

Also that I needed to urgently move some funds and was willing to pay him €10 million to help if he would send me his bank details, credit card number, Pin, CVV, mothers maiden name and inside leg measurement

Funny no response even though I could see by a read receipt thet he had read the mail

Looks like I will have to carry on in my legal employment for another year

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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