Your tax liability is calculated by reference to the cadastral value of your property. The cadastral value ("valor catastral") is equivalent to the UK rateable value. The total cadastral value ("valor catastral total") for the year in question is the figure we need. This is made up of two components: the land value ("valor catastral suelo") and the property value ("valor catastral construccion"). It does not relate directly to the purchase price or market value of your property.
I.E. What you should earn, theoretically , in renting it.
It varies from area to area. Here , the value of land is not included but assessed seperately. historically the valor catastral is 20 x less than the market value but unfortunately this is now not the case as shown in areas of the CDS where the revaluations have left people with values of 3 or 4 x more than the market value !
My own value is 17 x less than purchase price & probably 60 x less now than market value, even in the 'crisis' market !
When they revalued here in 2005 ours went down by 30% as they reduced the valor catastral & the % payment amount. No idea why & it is correct as I went in numerous times thinking a mistake had been made !
In this area there is no automatic yearly increase but is assessed by the local council.