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I wondered if anyone can shed some light on a queston I have.
Having had our new house built, we are waiting for the paperwork to be issued by the architect so we can apply for the habitation licences and thereafter the utilitiy connections in our names (water and electric).
We are currently on the builders supply while we wait for the above, however we have yet to be given any bills for this, not have we signed anything with anyone. Ithink through translation with the builder that a temporary account is opened for us and the charges go in there, but when do we pay (quarterly, monthly) etc. Has anyone else experienced the same issues and if so how did you pay the bill?
Many thanks, Carl
Unless things have changed, you don't pay for builders supply of water and electric and this is paid by the builder. You will have to pay to get the meters connected etc but, until you are on mains supply, you shouldn't get a bill although some builders do try it on and make a charge. Your supply may also be a bit erratic with lost connections until you get the mains on.
Hi Bobaol, thanks for the reply. the thing is that ihear it can take months and months to get the licences sorted out. Are you saying that I am not liable for the water and electric supply during this time?
I just can't see the builder wanted to swallow this cost once he's handed the house over to us.
Regards, Carl
We went 6 years before getting mains water and electric. Didn't pay any bills in all that time. The builder is responsible for water and electric until the LFO is issued. Electric and water was very erratic. Don't overstock your freezer and keep a couple of large bottles of tap water (the 5 gallon ones) in your loo for flushing until you get the meters fitted properly.
Hi thanks again - that's also the strange thing - we have metres there for both water and electric but we havent put them in our names with anyone unless the builder has?
The water and electricv are very reliable too with no interuptions to date.
Regards, Carl
The utility companies have to come along and connect the meters to your property. The builders should put them in your name when they stop supplying the utilities, that is, when the LFO is issued. It's a good gee-up to the builders to get it done so they haven't got to keep paying. These are usually issued when a particular phase of building has been completed, not necessarily the entire urbanisation. You will only get a bill for these items when a contract has been issued by the electric and water companies (these were signed in our case by our solicitors). You should also get a bank standing order form to fill in and then you will know when the bills are being paid. Normally monthly or 2 monthly for electric (depending on supplier) and 3 monthly for water.
Oh bobaol I wish it was so easy. We are still on builder's water and electric after seven and a half years during which time we have had to pay for it. We contacted Iberadola who told us we would have to pay to upgrade our wiring. That cost 35,000 euros. NOT GOOD ~ENOUGH!!!!! They now say that we have to upgrade the transformer for another 25,000 euros. As for water , no idea when we will get that either! 
Yes, fly380, I know. However, hopefully carl9 hasn't got the same corrupt and lying builders and agents that we had. I was explaining how it should work. I know the urb across the road from you which has had mains water and electricity still haven't got LFOs after 12 years but Iberdrola did issue contracts so were able to get a boletin. I hadn't realised your particular area also had faulty wiring as well. Never seems to end, does it? One step forward and two back. A shame the town hall is so bloody useless with all the in-fighting and resigning, re-instatement and re-resigning going on that they can't actually get around and do something for the people who pay their taxes. Orihuela Costa and the Playa Flamenca town hall needs completely gutting and getting people in who actually want to work for their citizens rather than amateurs who want to play politics all the time.
Hi, it seems that we are liable and that is because we are the promotors of the build.
We purchased the land and emloyed a builder to build. He says that in the contract it states that we are liable for the costs of water and electric form the moment we own the plot.
I sort of see how that makes snese, but I still weant to know how much the bill to date is give we purchased the plot in november and they started building then adding water and electric not too long afterwards.
I would hav ethought I'd be receiving invoices by now and even paying on a direct debit but cant see anything coming out of the account,