Hello All,
I have a dilemma here in as much as I do have a great key holder already who checks the place frequently and is a great asset to me but I have had to put upon them rather to much lately and I now feel I must find some one to do all the little things for me such as show people around occasionally for a viewing as its for sale, change the for sale sign or re hang it, check up on guests or deliver messages to them, and generally this sort of thing.
What I am looking for is some one on hand in the Las Ramblas Area to do this sort of thing for me.
It’s at http://www.eyeonspain.com/Property-for-sale-details.aspx?ref=SP462 if you want more info on it etc
I have envisioned some one that I could text, call or e-mail with a request for a showing etc and to carry this out on a one off basis, but as and when there is a need. I don’t wish to be paying management fees. I have done this in the past and I will only allow myself to be bitten once!
That has happened already so it’s not going to happen again, I am sure there are good management company’s out there but there are also some fraudsters that just take your money and do nothing. It’s a shame for all you honest ones because it’s the bad company’s that operate that get people like me to steer clear of all of you.
So sorry but I do not want an annual fee for key holding. If there is some one that is willing to do what I want at a very reasonable price then please get in touch.
I would love to hear from you. If you are an individual and not a company I will still consider this as long as you have references or a suitable reference, referee etc.
Could be nice pocket money for you but that’s all it would be as I do not always have a lot of requests, but the ones I have I must now make provisions for, so as not to incur further work for my present key holders.
Best Regards
Brian 755