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Hi All,
Just a little story that might amuse you.
I have just been into the bank next door which we use quite regulary,they close at 2 but they always let me in which is totally against security and bank policy as all i have to do is ring the buzzer.
We have just bought a new answer machine and i wanted one of the girls in there to translate some of the instructions i just couldn,t get my head around.
She is native Spanish but has married a manchester lad so learned her english from him and Vera Duckworth by the sounds of it! "alright chuck" in Valenciano sounds slightly strange!
Anyway back to the moral of the story,considering the bank is officially closed and nobody is supposed to be in there other than the staff,i stand at the counter and peer over the largest amount of cash you have ever seen being bundled and counted by the cashier,considering this is friday afternoon in a High St bank i cannot even begin to hazard a guess at how much is there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They did not even blink an eye at me as i leaned over the cash and passed the answer machine manual.
I must be desensitised because at the time i did not think this strange at all!!!!! imagine doing that in the UK?
And they know i am an estate agent!!!
How i love the trust and old fashioned social values that come with this great country.
Food for thought.
still here after all these years!
Bugger that Georgia - let me know the next time you go in when theres money around and I will bring the stockings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Does it generally take a large amount of money for you to turn up with stockings????
still here after all these years!
This is so typical of this forum,what starts out as a genuine heart warming story ends up as a cross between a prostitution ring,ocean's eleven and the great train robbery. .
Oh well it's better than arguing all day .
Happy days
still here after all these years!
And before anyone says it i know i am generally to blame
still here after all these years!
OK then, I shall contribute something worthwhile. A few months ago I went into a bank to collect completion funds for the client I was with. About 120,000€ . The manager knows me well and took me round the back of the counter and sat me next to a drawer piled with cash. Then he went off with my client to his office to sign forms. I sat there like a lemon and decided to have a bit of fun. I called the next customer to the till, they were an English couple I sold to about 5 years ago and we are friends. They were shocked to see me behind the till and more so when I grabbed a handfull of money and said "here take this, don´t worry about paying us back" Len my old client roared with laughing and said "Blimey I didn´t know Heineken did banks" All the Brits in the ques were in absolute fits. Yes mate Spain is a wonderful place for sure!!
Business advice and consultancy - Visit
Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
You pair of tights!!!
I leave you alone for a few minutes and suddenly stockings, tights and Ronnie Biggs gets in on the act!!!
Its a typical friday - and I SHOULD have been on the beach (without stockings OR tights (never wear them myself)) but work got in the way!
Hey ho - saturday tomorrow and I have cancelled all appointments so I can bum the beach away!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Yeah but where dd he wear it and therefore how did you know...............................?
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
On trusting bankers.........
I sold a property last year, and after waiting hours at the notary in Malaga for the buyer to sign life insurance policies & finalise mortgage details etc., it transpired that their bank manager had forgotten to bring the "cash" part of our payment. Not to worry, she said, and promptly wrote us an "al portador" cheque, saying we could cash it at her branch after we finished the signing. We pointed out that the bank would be closed now, since we'd wasted so much time. Again, not to worry, she had the keys with her. So off we all toddled, to a branch of a major bank in central Malaga. Ms. Bank Manager duly opened up and went off to get our stack of euros, which we counted at our leisure in the middle of the bank - there was no one else there after all. All good & correct, we were just about to depart, when my better half said "Don't you think we ought to give her the cheque now?" I was all for keeping it, returning in a few days and cashing it again, but the BH has a conscience, and offered up the cheque, much to my annoyance.
No need to describe the looks of shock, horror, and finally relief and gratitude that passed across Ms. Banker's face!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Roberto - you have the post sign of the devil 666!
Get another one up asap (says Smiley) !!!! To avoid bad luck doom gloom and rain upon your developments!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
I'd like to try for 111 posts before tomorrow, so I can have 777 on 07/07/07 - very auspicious! Unfortunately, the terrace and a cold tinnie beckon. Adios!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain