Borrador de Delcaracion Pendiente de Confirmar

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29 May 2013 11:49 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message



I just received this document from tax office in Torremolinos .. I am in agreement with all it says as tax declaration is zero, as not worked in past 12 months so there is nothing owed or to claim back. There is a signature space at the bottom of the document .. am I supposed to sign this and send back to tax office or not?





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31 May 2013 8:26 AM by ehw Star rating in Western end of the C.... 59 posts Send private message

Yes. You could do it online but you would probably not find it easy if you have never done it before.

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31 May 2013 9:11 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


I am curious to know how was it that Hacienda sent you the Borrador de Delcaracion Pendiente de Confirmar   (Draft of declaration pending confirmed)  ?


I believe the usual process is that one submits the Renta Declaration to the Tax Office, signed by the person to whom it applies, and either pays the tax due or gets a refund.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 31/05/2013.

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31 May 2013 9:34 AM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

They send it every year, I must have requested it ages ago??

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31 May 2013 11:37 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Having made a Return for the past 25 years,  many of which resulted in no tax to be paid, I would like to know where I have been going wrong !

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02 Jun 2013 1:06 PM by ehw Star rating in Western end of the C.... 59 posts Send private message


Who's told you you're doing it wrong, certainly not me!!!

The procedure that I follow is that on the first day it is available I go on line to the Agencia Tributaria and use my certificado digital to get the borrador.

For those that don't know, the borrador is the Tax Office's estimate of what you should be paying or what refund you should get based on the information they have about you. Some of the information will come from your bank and that relating to properties you own from the relevant patronato de recaudacion.

When you have the borrador you have 2 options open to you, you "confirm" it, (accept it as being correct), or you "modify" it if you don't agree with it. You then submit it online to the Agencia Tributaria.

In 2011 and 2012 we received the refund within one week. This year they said that we couldn't have a borrador, we would have to render a tax return, (Declaración de la Renta),  which we couldn't do online until the 24th of April. We did it on that day and received the refund 2 weeks later.

We suspect that they randomly refuse to supply the borrador as a form of doing spot checks and updating what they know about you.

Now if what you do is different OK, fine, no problem, everyone who has lived here for a while will tell you that in this country there are numerous different ways of killing a cat. My neighbour pays his accountant to do the Declaración de la Renta and is very happy. Horses for courses.

Prior to 2011 my brother-in-law did the declaración for us using the program PADRE which he uses at work and we printed it out and presented it at the bank. The bank now tell us that instead of doing this on the web page of the Agencia Tributaria we could now do it on the bank's own website as they offer additional assistance but we prefer to stick with what we are used to. The bank in question is Caixabank.

3rd edit: Having spent the last half hour reading recent posts it doesn't seem to me to be too unreasonable to suspect that johnzx is a troll or at least a good imitation of one.







This message was last edited by ehw on 02/06/2013.

This message was last edited by ehw on 02/06/2013.

This message was last edited by ehw on 02/06/2013.

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