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Hi all,
Does anyone know if its ok to change the name of your house in Spain. The house we bought has a name but we would like to change it, to something that means a bit more to us.
Our post arrives via the house number, so surely it wont make any difference?? We want to just take off the lettering on our wall and swap it? We wouldn't have thought we would need to inform anyone.....or are we wrong?
Some people have told us its bad luck...but we are trying not to be superstitious? OOOOOHHHH famous last words!
Thanks for any advise
John and Trish
I would have thought that as you are receiving post by your house number, removing the tiled house name and putting up another will make no difference at all.
In our private road some of the houses have two numbers on them. When they were built the houses were given the plot numbers starting with no 1 from the top right hand side of road and finishing with the last plot number opposite. Correos then decided to rename houses from the bottom of the road with odds one side of road and evens the other. Further down from me a house has 15 (plot) and 86 (correos), very confusing especially for the postie.
Hi semijubilada, well thanks for that! Can you imagine our posties coping with that??? Two numbers on one house??
We actually have the same postcode as an another address here!!!! If some computers type in our post code and house number, it comes up with Summergroves Way. Others come up with Kipling Walk. We all live on Summergroves Way, but Kipling Walk is off Summergroves Way..... Same post code!!! VERY VERY ANNOYING when we lose our post to the little old lady who throws our post away... bless her. Post office dont seem to care after we rang them a couple of times to sort it out!!!
So basically, changing the name in Spain does not seem a problem. Spain post finds you??? In England they mess up!!!!
Thanks again
Trish x
So Trish, what is it called & what are you pair planning to call it ? Any nearer finding out about your Almoradi purchase or shouldn't I ask ? When r u out again ?
"Spain post finds you??? " Who said that ? (Not always. )
This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/1/2007.
Hi Morerosado,
We are planning La Estrella (just a little something for my mum), without her we wouldn't have our house! Bless her!
OOOH Almoradi?? No we dont mention it much at the moment. Still clinging on to straws, still hoping!!
We next out end of August, 21st , cant wait!!! Fed up of this rain, rain and more rain. 3 weeks to go and counting.
LOL Trish x
La Estrella ? Different. As you say without your mum, Trish, it wouldn't have been feasible.
Just wondering about the choice of name. What was your mum called ? Estrella is beer, crisps & nuts !

Ha ha! Well, yes she loved a beer and crisps and at times she could act a bit nuts!! But no, La Estrella is The Star (I hope). Too long a story to go into, just something that reminds us of her. Casa de La Estrella!
Trish xx
Perfect, Trish then, just perfect.
Do you think both our mums are watching us & thinking, "good on them" ? Hope so, anyway. My parents would've loved to have purchased in Cyprus many years ago as some of their friends did. Mum & dad lived in Cyprus for quite a number of years, whilst we, as kids, were with them & on their own, for a few 3 year working stints for dad.
Yes, I am sure they are! Well, I like to think so anyway!
My mum loved her holidays abroad, but I dont know whether she would have left her friends and family to live out there. When we used to talk about it, when John and I first decided we would love to live in Spain, she used to say 'i'll miss you, its not too far to come for my holidays., but I would never leave England'!
thats a really lovely name for a house .... i hope that it is a very lucky house for you and your family

Ahh, thank you Auntie Em, we hope so too.
Trish x