The Comments |
Hi Everyone
I would be very grateful if you would help me by completing a questionnaire by clicking on the link below: I am really struggling to get enough people to complete this to help in the design of tourist brochures in Murcia, it only takes two minutes and everyone in the household that lives in Murcia as a resident can complete the survey individually. This is a study for the University of Murcia, for my PhD thesis.
kind regards
The questionnaire can only be completed by English native speakers.
I really appreciate your time and effort spent on filling in the questionnaire for the study.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Marta Navarro Coy (supervisor) & Jorge Soto Almela (PhD student)
University of Murcia, Spain
Hi Jorge
Good luck with the survey, Is it only for people who live in Murcia or people who have lived in Murcia in the past can also answer it?
I hope that everyone on EOS who lives in Murcia part-time or full-time collaborates in the survey as I am sure it will help to contribute to the region of Murcia.
Thank you for your response Ian. That's exactly the final aim of the survey: to contribute to the design of tourist brochures in the Region of Murcia. The questionnaire should be completed by people who live in the region of Murcia, but also by people who have visited the region as tourists. Thank you for your collaboration!
I bet they don't want to include the fact that the regional IHT allowance for Murcia has been abolished!
I bet they don't want to include the fact that the regional IHT allowance for Murcia has been abolished!
And that fits in with a tourist brochure how?
Still i suppose on a cool wet day with not much else to do a tourist with a couple of bored kids in tow might just want to pop along to their nearest...I dunno what...Tourist Information Centre perhaps, and query the fact that, "Why have you abolished the IHT for Murcia? and why haven't you put this in your brochure? and while your at it where's the nearest place's of interest?
This message was last edited by baz1946 on 13/11/2013.
Has your comment anything to do with tourist brochures in the region of Murcia? This is a study for the University, it has nothing to do with the Regional Government. Thank you.
Hi Jorge - have filled in your questionnaire as I am a regular visitor to Murcia and love it. I live just over the boundary in Alicante.
One thing I would say is that I get very frustrated at some of the wording in brochures, menus, leaflets etc which are produced in English in Spain. I would suggest that any document which is translated has to be proof-read by a native speaker, as sometimes the translation can be very either very clumsy or indeed totally wrong. As there are so many of us around, it shouldn´t be too hard to find a native speaker who would check a document before it goes to print.
Good luck with the PhD!
_______________________ Claire
Thank you Claire for your help! That would be exactly the perfect process to follow: text translated by a professional translator and checked by a native speaker.
Now thats a very good idea from Claire.....Just dont get Camposol to check it over.
Maps in brochures and adverts for tourist attractions are very often misleading, even useless, sometimes only being roads with Route numbers marked, a large arrow and the legend ' next to Mercadona ' or somesuch and no indication of which town is featured. It also helps if the map follows the convention of north to the top, south to the lower edge.
Hi Jorge,
I have filled it in for you - I am resident in Murcia and wrote the Enlish language guide to the area (Going Native in Murcia).
Hello Debbie,
It is a pleasure to "online" meet you. Thank you very much for your collaboration. I must say that the cultural terms used in the questionnaire have been taken from official tourist brochures which have been written, edited and published by the Tourism Regional Ministry. Official translations have also been used for my study. I have just had a look at the summary of your book ( and it must be really interesting. I suppose it must be originally written in English and not translated from Spanish language, mustn't it? Thank you again.