The growing need to work together to resolve consumer property rights issues in Spain

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18 Jan 2014 3:58 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

So long as instances relating to all consumer property rights issues remain unreported through official channels, (by writing to MP's MEP's via there will never be any change or recognition of the scale of corruption/legal malpractice/land registry failures/Banking corruption/abuse of consumer property rights etc currently occurring in Spain.

It’s not good enough to say that there seems little interest by MP’s and MEP’s. How on earth do you all expect action to be taken if you are all not consistently reporting the facts to these parliaments and demanding that this requires serious review and effective monitoring by both parliaments.

Only when this is done en masse by everyone affected, will the European Commission (and our own parliament) begin to recognise the growing instances and monetary scale of the ongoing problems/consumer property rights abuse in Spain.

Everyone should be bringing each instance (quoting the value of monies lost, properties misappropriated, etc as well as a concise account of their particular circumstance) to the attention of their MP and MEP and demanding that not only should their circumstance be officially logged and reported for monitoring purposes, but that their MEP should place an official question for written answer to the European Commission as follows.


Please identify how instances of abuse of consumer property rights in Spain together with their monetary values are being effectively recorded and monitored, so that the scale and value of "theft" of businesses/property/offplan deposits etc in Spain are officially recognised by the European Commission and the World Justice Project.

It appears that there is no current mechanism in place to record and monitor data specifically relating to property rights issues in Spain. It remains hidden, and more importantly what is the European Parliament/Commission doing to effect EU legislation (reform) to call upon Spain to ensure consumer rights and consistent enforcement of law in relation to all property rights and property contract law is consistently adhered to?

Until such time as consumers’ property rights are effectively addressed with Commission powers to launch infringement proceedings where applicable, then European citizens will remain at grave risk.

 Trust and stability – important elements for the business and investment environment are being decimated by the failure to swiftly and consistently address this major problem in Spain.


Only when instances of this nature are officially reported to MP’s and MEP’s en masse by everyone affected, will both Parliaments and the Commission begin to recognise not only the pattern of growing instances of property rights abuse, but critically the monetary scale to the ever increasing problems/consumer property rights abuse in Spain.

Please do not dismiss this as a waste of time, it is essential that a consistent and wider approach, covering all aspects of consumer property rights in Spain is effectively identified, monitored and addressed by both parliaments.


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