Thanks boys. Just looking at Form 210 - sorry to ask the obvious but the form is a bit confusing. Some points I am unclear on:
Accural: I have not bought yet but if I just did now would I pay for the whole year or 1st Quarter, 2nd etc and what would the accural year be now 2014 or 2015? Do I click 'Grouping' (whatever that means) and what would be the accural date from, say, today?
INCOME TYPE: I do not have a Spanish income (in Spain) so would I choose 'exempt'?
210 R Income: Just a holiday home so what do I fill in here, all or just section 06 (I assume)?
Settlement: Tick 19 & 20?
Tax Rate Law (questions 21 to 31) Is this for me to fill out as it is double dutch!
Receipt number from previous self assessment: do I put n/a?
Choose the type of tax return: Love to put Zero Tax Payable but I assume this has to be TO DEPOSIT?
So then when I click validate & generate PDF am I taken to a payment page or do I need to take/send in the printed PDF to spain?
Sorry for the questions but this will be a huge relief to me - I hate fines!!
Many thanks in advance.