I have two parts to my bill which actually relates to water usage (and loads for rubbish, tax, meter hire, service charge etc.).
From 5 years ago with Aquagest water was 80 cents per cubic metre and sewarage was 15 cents per cubic metre.
Now, with Hidraqua, it is 87 cents for water and still 15 cents for sewerage so no real rises there.
Standing charge with Aquagest was 15.42 for water and 3.75 for sewerage so just under 20 euro.
Standing charge with Hidraqua is 16.80 for water and the same 3.75 for sewarage so just over 20 euro.
As I have not used over 21 cubic metres to go on the higher rate I can't comment on that.
So, no, no increases to write home about after 5 years and a change of provider name.
And we have our watering system going quite regularly as well.