Is there Spanish Law about TV aerials in Communities

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18 Feb 2016 12:24 PM by AmandaLanz Star rating. 2 posts Send private message


In amongst the papers for the forthcoming AGM (our community of 35 apartments and 5 locals in Lanzarote) is a proposal for a centralised TV system being installed. The opening statement of the proposal says:

"According to Spanish property law the installation of a central TV aerial system is mandatory for all communities with more than ten units in order to avoid multiple installations of parabolic aerials and the corresponding cables on the roofs."........

Can anyone tell me please if that statement is true and if so where it is stated so that we can read it.

Thank you. Amanda


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18 Feb 2016 1:07 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

 I googled this:-  España TV antena obligatorio comunidades  and several pages came up. I do not know specifically what your situation is but you may find the answer there.

Good luck, John

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18 Feb 2016 1:16 PM by Weescottie Star rating. 37 posts Send private message

Our community is a nightmare with the hugest satellite dishes I've ever seen outside of NASA dotted everywhere.  We do have a central communal aerial but think this is local Spanish tv only.  We don't watch tv. I think offenders must be those expats who really can't live without Coronation street.  

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18 Feb 2016 2:05 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I believe there is an EU Directive that all citizens have the right to receive news in the language they understand. 

When I had a dish installed 14 years ago, I was going to put it on my terrace (100 M2) but the installer ‘insisted’  he put it on the roof of the apartment block, under that Directive.

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18 Feb 2016 2:28 PM by scubamike Star rating in Murcia province . 218 posts Send private message

scubamike´s avatar

I am sure this is a problem in most communities with ex pats from any country However with the increasing availability of high speed Internet satellite dishes are probably just a passing phase in our history 

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18 Feb 2016 3:43 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

We had this discussion some time ago. I believe a community must provide a communal aerial to access local television. To install a satellite dish is a matter for the community and should be in the community rules. We had a rule that no dishes over 60 cm could be installed (ones suitable for getting TV from rebroadcast companies) and we had a central dish which gave the residents satellite TV but only BBC1 and ITV1 in English, a couple of German channels, a couple of Russian ones and several in other languages.

This was put to a vote at an AGM and we agreed that anyone could install a dish as long as it wasn't "intrusive". Most of us now have dishes and some have 3 or 4 (for some reason) to receive rebroadcasts, internet and freesat. I think some of them are left in place when people change suppliers and don't bother to remove them.

Way back in the previous thread on this subject, the relevant laws were quoted and one of them was a EU ruling that stated people have the right to received such signals in the language they choose.



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19 Feb 2016 12:42 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Fortunately our community Royal Golf in Riviera does not allow satelite dishes whatsoever 

My personal view is they are ugly and nowadays with new technology are not required

Our community has Fibre Optic broadband you can view hundreds of TV channels and use the internet too its much quicker than any internet I have used anywhere else and we can switch the subsciption off month to month if you have no visitors BRILLIANT

So scrap the dishes and get Fibre Optic raise it at your next AGM

Marie your development must look a right eyesore with all those dishes



This message was last edited by rod on 19/02/2016.

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19 Feb 2016 1:10 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

All well and good if you live somewhere that has fast internet. We have 3Mbs which sometimes goes up to 5. Even the main providers can only say they give you "up to" 6Mbs and, from experience, it often goes down to 1 or below.

And, no, the houses all have covering walls at the top and you can't see the big dishes as they are installed within them. Looking around, I can see the small, rebroadcast dishes which people had installed but the big dishes are all hidden away.

No more intrusive than a TV aerial would be and there are thousands of them around (not here because we have two big communal ones). Looking at some pictures of Royal Golf Riviera, there appear to many TV aerials sticking out from the properties which are an eyesore. Or maybe its just that one gets used to them whereas dishes bring out the snob in people.


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19 Feb 2016 3:00 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

I see many TV aerials and dishes everytrhwre (in ALL countries) and to be honest they have become the nrom and personally I do  not see them as an eyesore or anything else - just part of life giving people what they want

Would it be nice if we got rid of them and replaced all communications etc. with underground fibre optic possibly - but that needs cash and there are many more important things to spend money on

I can think of 2 thinsg that are far worse eyesores

1. Multitudes of cables hanging overhead and going into buildings

2. Sepcifically in the UK the number of wheely bins that are lined up along the streets in the good old name of recycling

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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19 Feb 2016 4:27 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

It must be me I cannot see any aerials on our community we did have a small antenna box not much bigger than a bag of sugar but these became obsolete after the fibre optic was installed for information we use Wikiker Fiber installed on Riviera Fase 5 , 100MB + Phone + 195 TV Channels it dosend t cost very much per month and is very reliable I am not sure if they offer outside of Andalucia.

Our president set all this up a few years ago before they swithched of the Astra satelite and removed SKY TV from the CDS 

Hope that helps

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20 Feb 2016 1:29 AM by AmandaLanz Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Thank you everyone.  I have a clearer picture of what is the situation.

.... Oh how we all wish that we had fibre optic, they keep promising but it never gets here....  

In Lanzarote it is only the capital Arrecife has any Fibre Optic, the resorts and other towns are still waiting.

I have written to the committee asking for a list of exactly which UK and Irish TV channels the proposal would provide.

Copied them an article found on the internet that summarises the approval of and installation of communial TV systems in a complex like ours that is around 30 years old.

Also suggested they might enquire to find out when Fibre Optic will be available in the resort.

Thanks again.  Amanda




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