Im not sure if anyone will have an answer to this one, even David Searle may struggle.
We had our AGM last week and I was standing for President against the reigning gentleman. One Owner chose to leave the meeting before the voting for President started. However, he came over to myself and a friend and said he wanted to vote for me. He had a proxy voting form signed and also the voting slip for the President vote, signed, but not filled in with my name. This was because we had not been told what we had to put on the form at the time.
At this point, one of the administrators came over and took the proxy form together with the voting slip. The gentleman informed him that he wanted his vote to go to me.
Now, the vote was 36/36 but the vote of the gentleman was disallowed as he had not filled in my name and neither had I as his proxy. My point is that I couldn't fill in the name as I didn't have the voting slip and I presumed the administrator would do this as he was instructed. I have since been told that this is not the job of the administrator.
If the administrator had not taken the form, the gentleman would have left both of them with me and I would have completed the voting slip.
If the voting gap was larger, this would not be relevant but as it would result in a tie, I wonder if anyone can help or advise as to what can be done to reinstate this vote. The gentleman went straight to the office of the administrator the next morning to complain but they said it was his fault for not putting the name on before giving it to them. I was there at the time and the gentleman was in the process of doing that when the paper was taken.
This is a complete mess as the administrators had other votes wrong too, so please if anyone can help, I would be very grateful.
Many thanks