Our tow bar is legal!

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18 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by Febe Star rating in Flix, on river Ebro,.... 240 posts Send private message

A long and loud round of applause please.
We finally have a fully registered, fully legal Land Rover. And to think it only took 13 months!
Having totted up all the costs, it was still cheaper than buying one here. BUT THE HASSLE!!
Regards, Febe


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18 Sep 2007 10:26 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar
Congratulations Febe! Now, be honest, without that tow bar, it would have taken a fraction of the time and cost a lot less, right?! But you had to have a tow bar, didn't you?



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

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18 Sep 2007 10:54 PM by Febe Star rating in Flix, on river Ebro,.... 240 posts Send private message

Well yes.

We're on a finca with no mains water etc. sometimes we have to go and collect it.
There's also the wood to fetch and the school runs when the track 's muddy, my Seat won't make it.
This is a hard working car.

And hell, the tow bar was on the car when we bought it!

Yes, we use it.

We can't all afford to live on the costa del dosh can we?

Just be happy for me.

Take care, Febe


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09 Oct 2007 6:13 PM by K 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

Whats with all this tow bar business then? Thats another new one! Why are they illegal?  My Freelander has a detachable one on it, so will i get away with it.

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09 Oct 2007 6:37 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar
It's in reference to re-registering a car in Spain - to pass the ITV (MoT) you need a homolgation certificate which states that the car has not been altered in any way. For some bizarre reason, fitting a tow bar seems to be deemed a modification adversely affecting the car's roadworthiness!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

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09 Oct 2007 11:05 PM by K 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

Ah, but the one i have is an original Land Rover one! Anyway i would just remove the swan neck part. Job done then. They really like to make it difficult don't they?

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09 Oct 2007 11:24 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Are you importing this Land Rover? If the towbar is not original standard equipment on the nearest equivalent model supplied new to the Spanish market, you could still run into difficulties. Hopefully not, but that's exactly what has happened to others. Years ago I imported a 9 year old Landcruiser with a factory fitted towbar. The car was originally registered in Germany. Because I had no paperwork pertaining to the fitting of the towbar, I was given no choice but to remove it. No easy job after 9 years!

I know it sounds crazy, but I hope that answers your question about what this thread is about.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

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10 Oct 2007 12:38 PM by K 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

It's a Freelander. So what happens when people want to install a tow bar in Spain? if it's a problem then like i said i would just remove it.

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10 Oct 2007 6:55 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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As far as I know, when you make any alteration or addition to your car, you need a ficha tecnica, a sort of technical report, from the authorised person or company doing the installing/fitting.  It's this paperwork that you could be asked for at the ITV station. Because, naturally, I had no such paperwork relating to my towbar, I was forced to remove it. Hopefully you won't have the same problem, but I'm not the only one to report this. You could try popping along to your nearest ITV station and seeing if you can find a friendly tester who will advise you whether it will be OK?

You can find your nearest centre here: http://www.dgt.es/tramites/itv/itv.htm




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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10 Oct 2007 10:59 PM by K 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

I don't understand this. If this is the case then why are there so many cars going around in Spain with massive bodykits etc on them? They would not have come with this certificate. So are you saying that everytime i put the car through an ITV i would have to take the tow bar off? even though it is a genuine Land Rover optional extra?

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11 Oct 2007 2:17 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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If its not on the spanish version of the logbook then yes!

I had a Golf convertible, spanish plated, but the official version had normal sized wheels on. The previous owner had put fatter wheels on and to get it throught the ITV I had to change the tyres back! The car came with the original tyres!!

Same applied to hubbys 4 x 4 - he had to take the bull bar off as it wasnt on originally when the vehivle was purchased and the logbook hadnt been modified.

My bmw has fat tyres but they had been changed at Traffico so am ok for the ITV

Pain in the backside!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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17 Oct 2007 6:18 PM by Febe Star rating in Flix, on river Ebro,.... 240 posts Send private message

It's not just about the ITV. If you get pulled over by the police while towing something, and the towbar is not on the fich tecnica, you're in trouble.
Our Land Rover is....... well I forget....... light years old.  The towbar was fitted when new. Requested by the first owner as an 'optional extra',  Factory Fitted. (I think we are the 3rd owners) If the UK log book had ALL parts filled in there would be no problem here in Spain. You don't have to inform DVLA that you have fitted a towbar, the log does not get updated.
If you have a towbar fitted here in Spain, you will get the required paper-work  from the fitter. (don't ask me what that is, cos I don't know!) You take that along to the ITV station and Bosh Bosh they update the fich tecnica, job done.
And it's not just the towbar. If the trailer being towed is able to carry more than (don't quote me on this) 1 ton'ish, it has to be registered and ITV'd too. It has it's own number plate. A red one. This includes caravans etc.
It's all good fun.
I would have given up. Removed the original towbar, had a local garage fit a new one and sorted it that way.(we need to be able to tow)  My husband, however, would not hear of this. "why take off a perfectly good towbar and pay to fit a new one?".  I see his point .
Any way up, we got ours sorted.
Have fun.


No matter where you go, there you are.

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20 Oct 2019 6:02 AM by Pete7811 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Hi. I am in a same situation, in process of importing the car with a tow bar. The yow bar is not on the log book amd I don't have any document about it being fitted, but don't like an idea of taking it off just to replace it with a interior one in Spain. It's a bmw tow bar (well it's westfalia with bmw logo) on bmw car. It was retrofitted from a donor car though and not came from factory. What did you have to do to make yours legal. Can you please share what you steps you made to get it registered on Spanish papers with a tow bar please? 

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21 Oct 2019 6:00 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1302 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

It can be infuriating tolerating nonsense’s, but if they are the laws, regulations and rules of a country you always have two choices.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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